First Mondays: The Mentoree Lounge
On the first Monday of each month, starting January 2023, we have a feature on our weekly podcast, #OnEdMentors, called The Mentoree Lounge. 

We invite teacher candidates/preservice teachers to join a panel of Mentees and share their burning questions with our panel of Mentors. 

Use this form to participate in one of the monthly First Thursday Lounges.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name (first and last) *
Your email *
Your Twitter handle
Which episode of The Mentoree Lounge do you want to be on in the 2022/2023 school year? *
I want to sign up with my friends/classmates
Here is the list of emails for the classmates who want to be panelists together (no more than 3 names in addition to yours)
What education-related questions do you have for the panel?
If you are in the Faculty of Education, what year are you ?
What is the name of your university?
In what city and province/state/country is this school located? *
Are your a member of The Mentoree (members get first access) *
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