IASPA Mentee Interest Form 2024/2025
The IASPA Mentor Program is designed to support members who are seeking mentorship for “job alike” roles or any key element for HR support that is needed. We offer 1:1 mentoring services differentiated based on the needs of the mentee. You and your "mentor" will decide on what this relationship will look like (in-person face-to-face meetings, "just in time" phone or email conversations, Google Hangout or Zoom meetings, etc.). There is a minimum of a school-year long commitment, however, partnerships are often extended well beyond the minimum.
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Last Name, First Name *
School Email Address *
Twitter Handle
If you have one, please add it below. If you don't, consider creating a Twitter account and follow @_IASPA_
School District *
For Example, Community High School District 128
What is your title? *
For example, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources or Human Resources Specialist.
How long have you been in school HR? *
School District Configuration *
For example: High School, Special Ed. Coop, Elementary
To receive a mentor, you must be a member of IASPA.  Register today at https://www.iaspa.org/membership/ *
IASPA Membership Category - This information will help in pairing mentors and mentees. *
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