Digital Access
Below you will answer the questions to the best of your ability using the technology at your disposal.
You may work with a partner to complete this assignment.
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First and Last Name(s) *
Class Period *
On the Digital Citizenship website, what is the definition of Digital Access? *
Where in your community can you freely access the internet through WiFi? -Provide at least 3 locations. *
Where in your community are you legally NOT allowed to use mobile/electronic devices? -Provide at least 2 locations *
If you could move into a new town/city, where would it be? (City and State) *
Pick a town together with your group
Imagine that you are about to move into a new town and you need to find a place to live. You still live in Bloomington/Normal, so what methods and/or websites can you use to look up a new home in your new town? *
For this and the following questions, figure out where you can access this information in THAT town. If you don't know, look it up!
Imagine that you have moved into that new town, and you need to find a job as soon as possible. You don't have access to internet at home yet because you can't afford Comcast, and almost everywhere only accepts online applications, so what are other method(s) that you can use to look up a new job? *
Think of locations you can go that have access to a computer and possible websites you can use. Most job websites are notoriously difficult to use on a cell phone browser.
Once you have your new home and new job in this new town, you realize that you need to find a way to and from work. In your new town, you can easily take the bus to and from work, but you don't know the time-tables. If you still can't access the internet in your apartment yet, how can you find out about bus routes? *
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