Ase Africa Tours Questionnaire
This form is to collect personal information and your interest prior to you trip. 
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Email *
What Tour dates are you interested in? *
1. First name *
2. Last name *
How many travelers in your party?
3. Preferred Contact method *
4. What is your phone number (email)? *
5. Do you have a passport that does NOT expire in the next 90 days? *
5. What locations in Ghana do you hope to visit while traveling abroad?
7. Do you possess any valuable experiences or skill sets?
8. Do you speak any languages other than English?
9. Briefly describe yourself and your interest in traveling with Ase Africa? *
10. Approximately how long do you plan on staying? *
11. Do you prefer an AirBnb or a Hotel for your accommodations? *
12. Please add additional questions, or comments that you feel would provide valuable information.
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