Volunteer Sign Up - Damascus Placemaking Festival

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Damascus Placemaking Festival! Your involvement is essential to making this event a success. Please complete the volunteer registration form below and indicate your availability.  As we get closer to the festival, we'll be in touch with volunteer information and instructions to register for specific tasks and shifts. Please keep your eyes out for this important information!

Festival Details
Dates: October 19th (1pm-6pm) and October 20th (10am-2pm)
Location: 9840 Main St, Damascus, MD 20872

Volunteer Information:
  • Community Build Workshops: the days leading up to the festival, we will hold a series of workshops to prepare festival amenities and placemaking elements. Volunteers may be asked to apply paint, construct benches, and assist with art installations.
  • Festival Days: On the days of the festival, volunteers will assist with set up, festival operations, and clean up. Specific tasks may include setting up tents, parking management, assisting vendors, and providing information to festival attendees.
Please contact Dayanara Padilla with any questions at: dpadilla@designcollective.com
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