Cosentyx & Stelara: Patients & Caregivers
The Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) is seeking input from patients and caregivers affected by a condition or disease that is being treated by one of the following prescription drugs: 
  • Cosentyx
  • Stelara
This survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. It is divided into three sections: Personal Information, Health Effects of the Prescription Drug, and Financial Effects of the Prescription Drug. 

The PDAB will use the information you provide as part of the affordability review process to determine if a prescription drug is unaffordable for Colorado consumers. Surveys will remain open until April 30.
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Personal Information
Name *
Email address *
Have you attended, or do you plan to attend, a public input session for patients and caregivers? *
After you complete this survey, Board staff may have follow up questions for you. Do you consent to staff reaching out to you via email after you complete this survey?
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I am responding to this survey as: *
If you are a patient, please answer this survey based on your personal experience. 
If you are a caregiver, please answer the survey based on the experience of the person for whom you are caring. 
Which prescription drug are (you/the person you are caring for) taking currently or previously? *
Are you a Colorado resident? *
Zip code
If you have health insurance, what type of health insurance do you have? *

The following question is optional, but answers to these questions are important for the Board to understand who these prescription drugs impact and how to consider different populations who use the drug in the state.

I am a member of one of the following priority populations. Select all that apply.

Health Effects of the Prescription Drug

These questions are intended to understand your day-to-day experiences living with your condition and being treated by the prescription drug.

What condition does this drug treat for you? 
How does the condition affect your daily life, or the life of person you are caring for? (Consider mobility, self care, usual activities like work, study, housework, family, leisure activities, pain/discomfort, any anxiety/depression).
What health outcomes are most important to you when being treated for your condition? 
What beneficial health effects have you experienced from using this prescription drug, if any?
What adverse health effects have you experienced from using this prescription drug, if any? 
What factors led you to the prescription drug you are currently taking? Select all that apply:
Have you tried taking other prescription drugs to treat your condition? If so, how many?
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If you have tried other prescription drugs to treat your condition, what were they? Were there any beneficial or adverse health effects of these other prescription drugs?
Financial Effects of the Prescription Drug

These questions are intended to help understand the financial impact of the condition and prescription drug on the patient and caregiver. 

How much do you pay out-of-pocket each month for the prescription drug? By out-of-pocket, we mean after insurance or any patient assistance program used to cover the cost of the medication.

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Has the cost of this drug ever made it difficult for you to access it? 
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Has the cost of this drug ever affected your adherence to it? Select all that apply. 
How does this drug impact you and/or your family? Select all statements that are true for you.
The following questions are centered around any financial assistance you may have received to help purchase the prescription drug. Many patients requiring ongoing treatments for chronic diseases receive financial assistance from drug manufacturers and non-profit organizations in the form of copay assistance programs, discount cards, or savings cards. These help patients pay their out-of-pocket costs (such as deductibles, copays, etc.) for their prescription drugs.
Do you/the person you are caring for use, or have ever used, any copay assistance programs, discount cards, or savings that are provided by prescription drug manufacturers, or non-profit organizations to help with out-of-pocket costs (such as deductibles, copays, etc.) for this drug? 
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If you replied "yes" to the question above, how did you hear about the financial assistance? 
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Do you have difficulty affording the drug despite using a patient assistance program?
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If you are insured, please select any of the following statements that are true for you. Select all that apply. 
Do you (as patient or caregiver) experience any other financial impacts of the condition and prescription drug (e.g. transportation costs, absence from work, etc.)?
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