The above named organistion (Association, School or Club) has membership of NSSA for the current membership year.
All sailors in the above named team will have Youth membership of NSSA for the current membership year.
I will obtain written consent for the administration of emergency medical treatment, and to act "in loco parentis" for all sailors in the above named team.
Fully completed and signed Parent / Guardian Declaration Forms will be sent to 2 weeks prior to the event or will be brought (as hard copies) to the event for all sailors in the above named team(s).
I and all members of my team(s) agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing, Sailing Instructions, Notice of Race and all other rules that govern this event.
I and all members of my team(s) are aware that the event organisers do not hold insurance cover for personal property, or for personal accident to visitors.
I and all members of my team(s) agree that they are responsible for themselves whether ashore or afloat.
I and all members of my team(s) agree that nothing done by the organisers will relieve participants of their responsibilities.
I and all members of my team(s) agree that by going afloat, implies the competence of helm and crew for the expected weather conditions.
I and all members of my team(s) agree that the provision of patrol craft does not relieve participants of their responsibilities.