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/r/Bisexual Rule Change Referendum 2020
678 responses
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Do you support a rule against reposts and if so what time limit would you like to see?
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Do you support a limit on what days memes can be posted in order to help discussion posts be more visible?
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If memes were to be limited to specific days which days would you prefer? (Even if you do not support limiting memes)
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Limiting Posts
Should there be a limit to "bi colors" posts?
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Should there be rules around stereotype posts? (Ex: lemon bars, cuffed jeans, sitting, etc)
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Should there be rules around "this is why I'm bi" (ie. hot celebrities) posts?
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Would you like to see weekly themed advice threads?
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If you responded Yes, what would you be interested in?
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Have you ever interacted with the /r/Bisexual mods in any way? (Ex. modmail, post removals, in comments, etc)
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Do you feel like the amount of moderation in /r/Bisexual is sufficient?
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Comments about /r/Bisexual moderation:
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Any other comments or suggestions for /r/Bisexual, the mods or this survey
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