Reserve Your GreenFest Table
Get excited for Earth Week 2024 at Penn! 🌎

Are you interested in presenting your group/businesses sustainability mission? Sign up to table Penn Environmental Group's annual GreenFest event on Friday April 26th, from 1-4pm! 

Deadline: Complete this form by April 12 ‼️
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is the name of your group? *
Your Name *
Email *
How many tables does your group need? (standard 6ft rectangular tables) *
What would your group present at the table? (craft, raffle, informational powerpoint, etc.). Please be specific, and keep in mind that we want to make tabling activities as interactive as possible!
Any other questions/comments about GreenFest?
I understand that PEG will provide the table and chairs AND that my group needs to secure funding for the supplies for our personalized GreenFest activity.
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