2024-25 Volunteer Interest Survey
Thank you for your interest in the Katonah Lewisboro Special Education Parent Teacher Organization (KLSEPTO).

We are a 501c3 not-for-profit organization organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children district-wide by fostering relationships among our schools, parents, teachers, and administrators. KLSEPTO additionally serves special education students and their families.

We are a volunteer organization and we are always looking for help. Please fill out the following questionnaire and let us know what your interests and areas of expertise are.

Thank you!

Contact: info@klsepto.org

Email *
First & Last Name: *
Please indicate which school(s) your child(ren) attend. Check all that apply: *
Please indicate all areas of interest or expertise that you can share with KL SEPTO:
These are some KL SEPTO positions and committees. Please check all positions or committees that you are interested in volunteering for:
Are there any gaps in the KLSD community where KL SEPTO should be involved? Do you have ideas for new KL SEPTO programs? Please describe:
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