윤석열 탄핵과 처벌을 요구하는 해외 교수-연구자들의 시국선언문 서명
* 헌법재판소에서 윤석열 탄핵이 확정될 때까지 서명을 받겠습니다.

[2024년 12월 14일 - 마지막 편지]

‘ ‘금(金)실’이 가득한 가슴을 안고 우리의 일상으로 돌아갑니다’

2024년 12월 14일, 국회에서 윤석열 탄핵 소추안이 통과되었습니다.
대한민국 헌정질서의 회복을 위한 큰 고비 하나를 넘었습니다. 하루 빨리 헌법재판소에서 윤석열 탄핵이 확정되기를 바랍니다.

우리는 잊지 않을 것입니다.
광주에서, 세월호와 이태원에서, 멀리 떠나버린 영혼들.

잊지 않을 것입니다. 2024년 12월 3일의 밤을.
계엄령선언을 보고 단숨에 달려와 국회를 지킨 시민들. 계엄군의 총구를 움켜쥐고 ‘부끄럽지 않냐’고 부르짖던 30대 여성. 아들 군인에게 전화로 ‘절대, 민간인을 해치지 마라!’ 절규하던 아버지. 국회 담장을 넘어 신속하게 계엄령해제령을 통과시킨 대다수의 국회의원들. 철수하며 시민들에게 ‘죄송합니다’하며, 여러 번 고개 숙인 젊은 병사. 매일 전국 곳곳 추운 거리에서 응원봉을 들고 흥겹게 ‘윤석열 탄핵’을 노래하며 춤추던 10대 20대 청년들.

그들을, 우리는, 결코 잊지 않겠습니다.

이제 우리는, ‘금(金)실’이 가득한 가슴을 안고 우리의 일상으로 돌아갑니다. 그곳에서, 우리의 ‘가슴 속’ 새로운 ‘심장’의 박동소리를 들으며, 다시 가르치고 연구에 전념할 것입니다.

우리는 그곳에서, 변함없이, 헌법재판소에서 윤석열 탄핵이 확정될 때까지 존경하는 대한민국 시민들과 강하게 연대할 것입니다.

한국의 현실과 미래를 걱정하는 해외 교수∙연구자 일동

* 편지 시리즈는 [2024년 12월 대한민국의 민주주의를 위한 해외 교수-연구자들의 생각들]을 나누는 오픈 포럼에 업데이트된 글들 중에서, 마음에 울림을 주는 글들이 편집이 되어 편지형식으로 비정기적으로 업데이트 된 내용입니다 (이전 편지 보기).


시국선언문 – 한국의 현실과 미래를 걱정하는 해외 교수-연구자


반헌법적 내란을 일으킨 윤석열의 탄핵과 처벌을 요구합니다.

노벨문학상 수상자인 한강 작가는 우리가 무사유와 무감각에 빠질 때 퍼져가는 잔인성과 폭력성을 경고했습니다. 그 경고는 지금 윤석열 정권 하에서 적나라하게 현실로 드러나고 있습니다. 권력에 대한 무비판적 태도와 책임 회피는 민주주의의 근본을 훼손하며, 사회 곳곳을 마비시켰습니다.

대한민국은 지난 100여 년 동안 수많은 고난과 어려움을 넘어 모두가 잘 사는 사회를 만들기 위해 함께 싸워 왔습니다. 일본 제국주의 하에서의 독립투쟁과, 해방 후 근대화와 더불어 4.19, 5.18, 6.10 민주항쟁을 통해 이룩한 민주화. 세월호 참사에 깊은 상처를 받은 많은 시민들이 헌법에 의한 대통령 탄핵을 이룬 무혈 촛불혁명. 세계가 경이로움을 표하는 한국문화의 근간은 이 자랑스런 고난 극복의 역사에 있습니다.

그러나 최근 2년 반 동안, 윤석열 정권 하에서 민주주의의 후퇴와 사회적 불안이 지속되고 있습니다. 민주적 원칙과 협치는 사라지고, 권력은 검찰을 이용해 정적 제거에 몰두하고 있습니다. 10.29 이태원 참사와 채 상병 사건에서 보듯, 많은 젊은이들이 목숨을 잃었음에도 불구하고 책임을 져야 할 이들은 여전히 책임을 지지 않고 있습니다. 오히려 진상을 밝히고자 했던 사람은 항명죄로 기소되어 부당한 처벌을 받고 있습니다. 

윤석열은 국익이 아닌 사익을 위해 거부권을 남발하고, 수많은 거짓말과 궤변으로 국민을 기만하고 있습니다. 이는 법 앞에 모두가 평등하다는 공정과 상식을 심각하게 훼손하는 행위입니다. 

2024년 12월 3일, 비상계엄이 선포된 그 밤의 참극은 윤석열 정권이 더 이상 대한민국의 합법적 정부가 아님을 분명히 드러냈습니다. 헌정질서를 유린하고 민주주의를 위협하는 반헌법적 내란 사건입니다. 다행히 시민들과 국회가 계엄령을 즉시 철회시켰지만, 이 내란 사건을 일으킨 주범과 모든 가담자들에게 위헌적 범죄에 대한 철저한 책임을 물어야 할 것입니다. 

저희 해외 교수 및 연구자들은 이러한 상황을 깊이 우려하며, 윤석열에 대한 즉각적인 탄핵과 처벌을 요구합니다. 

우리 모두는, 대한민국의 민주주의를 지키기 위해 싸우는 시민들과 강하게 연대할 것입니다.

Overseas Scholars Call for the Impeachment and Punishment of Yoon Suk-yeol

Statement by Overseas Scholars Concerned about the Reality and Future of Korea’s Democracy 

We demand the impeachment punishment of Yoon Suk-yeol who staged an unconstitutional rebellion on December 3, 2024.

Nobel Prize-winning author Han Kang once warned that cruelty and violence spread amidst thoughtlessness and insensitivity. Her warning has become a stark reality under the Yoon Suk-yeol administration. Its uncritical attitude toward power and evasion of responsibility have undermined the foundation of democracy and paralyzed every sector of society.

For over a century, Koreans have risen to numerous challenges in their collective endeavor to build a society where everyone can thrive. They have tirelessly advanced their history by waging the Independence Movement against Japan’s imperial rule and laboring for the economic development after their liberation. They have democratized their government by staging the April 19 Revolution, the May 18 Gwangju Uprising, and the June Democracy Movement of 1987. Sharing the suffering of the victims of the Sewol tragedy, they were united in peace to raise candles to constitutionally impeach President Park Geun-hye. It is Koreans’ proud history of overcoming adversity that has nourished Korean culture that shines the world today.

However, the past two-and-a-half years under the Yoon Suk-Yeol administration is tainted with the regression of democracy and the precarity of people. Democratic principles and cooperative governance have vanished as the government obsessively wields its executive power to eliminate political opponents. Even though many young lives were lost in the Itaewon Halloween tragedy on October 29, 2022, those responsible have not been held accountable. After a young soldier was killed in a reckless operation, it is instead the one who has sought to uncover the truth that is unjustly prosecuted for insubordination and unfairly punished by the administration.

Yoon Suk-yeol has abused his veto power for personal interests and has deceived the public with countless lies and fallacious arguments. Such actions severely undermine the common sense of fairness as well as the principle that everyone is equal before the law.

The declaration of martial law on the night of December 3, 2024, has made it clear that the Yoon administration is no longer legitimate. It was an unconstitutional rebellion that violated Korea’s constitutional order and endangered democracy. Fortunately, citizens and the National Assembly promptly rescinded the martial law declaration, but the perpetrators and all those participated in this rebellion must be held accountable thoroughly for their unconstitutional crime.

Deeply concerned about this situation, we overseas scholars demand the immediate impeachment and punishment of Yoon Suk-yeol.

We stand firmly in solidarity with the citizens fighting to protect South Korea’s democracy.

Overseas Scholars

# 위의 글은 최종 선언문입니다.

## 선언문 발표는 한국시간으로 12월 6일 금요일 20시에 줌으로 진행되었습니다.


#### [오픈 포럼] 2024년 12월 대한민국의 민주주의를 위한 해외 교수-연구자들의 생각들

[남겨진 글 가운데 함께 나누고 싶은 메세지] * 매일 업데이트 됩니다

전세계 학계에서 활동하시는 동료 선생님들. 대부분의 선생님들과 만나본 적은 없어도 이렇게 함께 얘기를 나눌 수 있다니 좌절의 순간 속에 빛을 향해 나아가는 것 같습니다. '우리'라는 개념을 염두해 함께 이겨내요. 머지 않은 곳에 행복의 빛줄기가 보입니다. "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

-정임숙 (University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy)

서명인 명단 (한글 가나다라순; ** 발기인): 현재 1,651명 - 한국시간 2025. 1. 18 오후 4시 현재 

*  헌법재판소에서 윤석열 탄핵이 확정될 때까지 서명을 받겠습니다. 시차로 인하여 서명인 명단 갱신이 늦어질 수 있음을 양해바랍니다.

강나리 University College London, UK
감민철  Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taiwan
강경숙 Stockholm University, Sweden
강경숙 University odf Stockholm
강규민 Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology 독일
강남순** Texas Christian University, USA
강동균 (Dongkyun Kang)  University of Arizona, USA
강민규  Duke University, USA
강민석 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Germany
강병융**  University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
강상미 University of Rochester, USA
강상욱 Eastern Kentucky University, USA
강성운 (Sung Un Gang) TU Berlin, Germany
강세희  Florida State University, USA
강승기 DESY, Germany
강승엽  Imperial College London, UK
강우원 (Woowon Kang) University of Chicago, USA
강원준  Goldsmiths, UK
강유빈 Cornell University USA
강유진 (Yujin Kang)  University of Passau, Germany
강유진 University of Oxford, UK
강윤이 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan
강은경 University of Toronto, Canada
강은교  Stanford University, USA
강은주(Eunju Kang) Rochester Institute of Technology USA
강이슬 University of Manitoba 캐나다
강이정 (Yijung Kang)  Stanford University/SLAC, USA
강인규 Penn State University USA
강정민 RIKEN, Japan
강정훈 The University of Tokyo, Japan
강주현 University of Heidelberg, Germany
강준모  University of Kansas
강지선 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
강지은 University at Buffalo, SUNY
강태호 TU Wien, Austria
강하니  SOAS University of London, UK
강혁훤 Washington University in St. Louis, USA
강현이 (Laura Kang)  University of California, Irvine, USA
강현진  Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
강혜란 (Ellen Kang) University of Central Florida, USA
강희연 UCLA
경설현 Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
계준경 National Center for Atmospheric Research
고근욱 Meijigakuin University, Japan
고선호  York University, Canada
고영란 NIHON University , Japan
고운혁 University of nevada las vegas, USA
고은미** (Eunmi Ko) Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
고은비  University of Melbourne, Australia
고은아 (Grace Euna Ko)  Kennesaw State University, USA
고은정 Fairleigh Dickinson University
고은지  The Ohio State University, USA
고은희 Pace University
고한수  George Mason University, USA
고혜련(Heyryun Koh) Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, Germany
공경철 (Kyoungchul Kong) University of Kansas, USA
곽노진 University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA
곽상수 Harvard Medical School USA
곽영란 Palacky University, Czechia
곽형덕  The University of Melbourne, Australia
구대현 University of North Florida
구승회 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA
구자영 Augsburg University
국승인   University of Tokyo
국중호 Yokohama City University, Japan
권도희 Keio University, Japan
권민지 Michigan State University, USA
권순호 California Institute of Technology
권신애   TU Dortmund
권용대  Umeå University, Sweden
권용찬 Louisiana State University, USA
권우진 (Woo Jin Kwon) University of Milan, Italy
권웅 The University of Texas at Austin, USA
권이성 University of Warwick, UK
권자현 The Graduate Center, CUNY, USA
권진아** University of Sheffield, UK
권태형   Meta platforms
권한솔  Wuerzburg University, German
권헌규 (KWON Heongyu) University of Tokyo, Japan
권혁제 (Hyuk-Jae Kwon) University at Buffalo, SUNY
권현수 University of Virginia
권현우 (Hyunwoo Kwon) Brown University, USA
권혜수 Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
권혜진 Indiana University, USA
권희윤 The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina
기동근  The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
기연정 (Eyun-Jung Ki) University of Alabama, USA
기예진 Helse Førde, Norway
기유진 Michigan State University, USA
기혜영 University of Toronto, Canada
김가연** The Academy of Korean Studies, Switzerland
김가현  Tama art University
김강건** University of Oxford, United Kingdom
김건 Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
김건영 University of Cambridge, UK
김건호 Caltech
김건희  University College London, UK
김경모 Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
김경묵 Waseda University, Japan
김경분 Meisei University, JAPAN
김경석 Towson University, USA
김경선 University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
김경채 (Kyongche Kim) Keio University, Japan
김경화  RRC, Canada
김경훈  Duke University, USA
김광식 Tokyogakugei University, Japan
김권수  Monash University, Australia
김규리  McGill University, Canada
김규현 (Kyu-Hyoun KH Kim) IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
김규희 Universität Hamburg, DE
김근삼 (KIM, Keunsam) Shigakukan University, Japan
김기용 (Ki Yong Kim) University of Maryland, USA
김기환 California Institute of Technology USA
김낙호** (Nakho Kim) Drexel University, USA
김남은 Meijigakuin University, Japan
김다솔  Université Paris 8, France
김다솜 Weill Cornell Medicine USA
김다한 (Dahan Kim) Mayo Clinic, USA
김대욱 Georgian Court University, USA
김도겸  State University of New York at New Paltz
김도연 Caltech
김도영 (Kim Doyeong) Argonne National Laboratory, USA
김도훈 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
김동성 (Dong Sung Kim) Drew University, USA
김동은 University of Texas at Dallas USA
김동찬 King's College London, UK
김동현 University of California San Diego
김두연 Harvard Medical School 미국
김두영 University of Kentucky, USA
김만중 Binghamton University, USA
김명식 State University of New York at Cortland, USA
김명환, Texas Tech University, USA
김모란 Waseda University, JAPAN
김미래  Leiden University, Netherlands
김미솔 University of New South Wales, Australia
김미현   Tohoku university
김미혜 The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
김민경  LSE, UK
김민길 Troy University
김민서  Ritsumeikan University, Japan
김민서  The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
김민서  Tokyo University of Science and Technology, Japan
김민소   Nanyang Technological University
김민영  University of California, Irvine
김민정 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
김민정 University of Sheffield, UK
김민주   Musashino Art University
김민주 (MinJoo Kim) LMU Munich, Germany
김민지 University College London, UK
김민지 University of California, Davis, USA
김민희  Rutgers, USA
김반석 The University of Tokyo, Japan
김범수 Williams College, USA
김병은 University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA
김병훈   Princeton University
김보경 (Bokyung Kim) University of Helsinki, Finland
김보미 (Bomi Kim) University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
김보형 Vanderbilt University, USA
김부자 (Kim Puja) Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
김사라 Nihon University, JAPAN
김산문   캘리포니아 공과대학
김삼숙  Ohkagakuen University, JAPAN
김상아  Dresden University of Technology
김상익 Sang-Ick Kim  University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
김상훈 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA
김샛별  University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
김서영   Princeton University
김서영 (Kim, Seoyoung)  Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
김서현 McGill University
김서현 Sorbonne university, France
김서희 (Seohee Kim)  Indiana University, USA
김선경   Case Western Reserve University
김선미** Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
김선민 Dartmouth
김선아 (Seona Kim) The University of Tulsa, USA
김선아 (Sun A Kim)  Cornell University, USA
김선영  germany Berlin
김선오 Ohio State University, USA
김선우 Goldsmiths University, UK
김선태  Johns Hopkins University, USA
김선홍 University of Michigan, USA
김성경 University of Sheffield, UK
김성곤 (Seong-Gon Kim) Mississippi State University, USA
김성민 (Sungmin Kim) Hokkaido University, JAPAN
김성수 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
김성영 Rennes School of Business, France
김성우 Università di Napoli L'Orientale Italy
김성인 (Seong-in Kim) Harvard-Yenching Institute, USA
김성찬 Western Illinois University United States
김성한 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
김성희 Gettysburg College, USA
김소린 (So Rin Kim) University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
김소연   University of Essex
김소혜 (So Hye Kim) University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
김수민 University of Toronto, Canada
김수빈 University of Georgia, USA
김수연 (Su Yun Kim) University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
김수정 Johns Hopkins University
김수진  Arizona State University, USA
김수현 (Soo Hyeon Kim) Indiana University Indianapolis, USA
김수현 Kyoto University, Japan
김수현 University of Arizona, USA
김수희 University of Southampton UK
김승구 (Seung-Goo Kim) Max Planck Institute, Germany
김아람** (A Ram Kim) University of Auckland, New Zealand
김양숙 Florida Atlantic University, USA
김여경 Doshisha University, Japan
김연진 Lund University, Sweden
김연희 National Cheng Kung University
김영기 (Young-Kee Kim) The University of Chicago, USA
김영기 McMaster University, Ontario, Canada Canada
김영롱 Otsuma Women's University, Japan
김영미 University of Wisconsin-River Falls
김영미** (Youngmi Kim) University of Edinburgh, UK
김영민 National Taiwan University, Taiwan
김영신 University of British Columbia 캐나다
김영우 London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
김영준 The University of Tokyo
김영준 University of Toronto, Canada
김영지 Stanford University, USA
김영현  Ohio University, USA
김영현 (Younghyun Kim) Purdue University USA
김영현 (Younghyun Kim) Purdue University USA
김예람   Washington University in St.Louis
김예린  Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
김예원 (Yewon Kim) University of Oxford, UK
김예은  Harvard University, USA
김예은  Showa University of Music, Japan
김예지 Ohio University USA
김요한 Universität Münster, Germany
김용균   Florida State University, USA
김용민 Indiana University Bloomington, USA
김용백 University of Toronto, Canada
김용재  Hawaii Pacific University, USA
김용택 Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
김용현  Binghamton University, USA
김우성 (Wooseong Kim) Stockholm University, Sweden
김우재 Harbin Institute of Technology China
김우철 University of British Columbia, Canada
김우희 (Woohee Kim)** Harvard University, USA
김욱수 (Wooksoo Kim) University at Buffalo, USA
김원영 Wichita State University, USA
김유민  Brown University, USA
김유신 Yale University, USA
김유정 University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
김유정 University of Hildesheim
김유진  Kingston University, UK
김유진 Yoojin Kim Kingston University London
김유혜 The University of Tulsa, USA
김윤의 Texas Tech University, USA
김윤정 International Christian University, Japan
김윤지 The university of Birmingham, UK
김윤하 Humboldt University, Germany
김윤혜(Yunhyae Kim)  Harvard University, USA
김윤희 European XFEL, Germany
김은산 University of Minnesota US
김은아 (Eun-Ah Kim) Cornell University, USA
김은아 Universität Tübingen, Germany
김은정 (Eunjung Kim)   Syracuse University (US)
김은정 Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute, JAPAN
김은지  University of Toronto, Canada
김은총 (Eunchong Kim)  NSF/Gemini International Observatory, USA
김은화 Princeton University
김이삭 (YI SAK KIM)   Sanford Burnham Prebys Institute
김이석 University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA
김인성 University of London UK
김인용 Mayo Clinic, USA
김자은 University of California, Los Angeles, USA
김자현 (Ja Hyun Kim)  London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), United Kingdom
김장민 University at Buffalo, USA
김재남 (Jaenam Kim) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
김재덕** Jacksonville State University, USA
김재성   Washington University in St.louis
김재연 Johns Hopkins University
김재현 Macquarie University, Australia
김재현 Macquarie University, Australia
김재형 (Jaehyung Kim) University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA
김정민 University of Manitoba, Canada
김정아 University of North Florida
김정욱 (Jung-Wook Kim) Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Germany
김정화  Redriver College, Canada
김정화  University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
김제인 Rutgers University, USA
김종래 University of Leeds, UK
김종학  National University of Singapore, Singapore
김준수 Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
김준식 University of Toronto, Canada
김준철 Brunel University London, UK
김준형 University of St Andrews, UK
김지나 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
김지민  University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
김지민 Jimin Kim Independent scholar
김지연 (Jeeyeon Kim) La Trobe University, Australia
김지영 University of Nottingham
김지원  Creighton University, USA
김지윤 University of Maryland USA
김지은 University of Leeds, UK
김지현 (Jihyun Kim) University of Utah, USA
김지형 University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
김지혜  Universities of Salzburg, Austria
김진경 University of Hamburg, Germany
김진협 (Jinhyub Kim) University of Oxford, UK
김찬송 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
김창호 University of California, Merced, USA
김창환 Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
김채원  University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
김천일 University of Alberta, Canada
김태성 Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
김태식 Monash University, Malaysia
김태식 Osaka Metropolitan University, JAPAN
김태영 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Germany
김태완 Carnegie Mellon University, USA
김태원 University of Oxford, UK
김태현** (Taehyeon Kim) University of Edinburgh, UK
김태호 University of North Florida
김평 University of Texas ar Dallas United States
김필립 (Philip Kim) Harvard University, USA
김하람 Northwestern University, USA
김하령 University of Toronto, Canada
김하림 Curtin University, Australia
김해롤드 (Harold Kim) Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
김해민   Southern Methodist University
김해수 Cornell University, USA
김해은  EPFL, Switzerland
김향숙 Towson University, USA
김현경 Louisiana State University, USA
김현균  The University of Iowa, USA
김현섭  Jackson State University, USA
김현성  Chukyo University, JAPAN
김현수 Meiji University, Japan
김현수 MIT, USA
김현영 University of Birmingham
김현정 The University of Tokyo, Japan
김현준 (Hyunjun Kim) University of Minnesota, USA
김현진 Caltech USA
김현진 University of Pennsylvania
김현채  University of Iowa, USA
김형민 (Hyungmin Kim) University of Melbourne, Australia
김형선 Tohoku University, Japan
김형정 Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan
김형준  UTRGV, Texas, USA
김형진 University College London
김형훈  University of California San Diego
김혜영  Ecole Normale Supérieure, France
김혜영 Universität Freiburg
김혜진 Cornell University, USA
김혜진 Loughborough University, UK
김호원 Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
김호현  University at Albany SUNY, USA
김홍준 Université Paris-Nanterre
김훈석 University of Michigan USA
김휘연 (Huiyeon Hannah Kim) Stony Brook University, USA
김희연 Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
김희전 University of Mary Washington, USA
김희전 University of Mary Washington, USA
나수빈  University of Pennsylvania, USA
나영인  University of Sheffield
나우진 University Paris 8
나은주 University of Southern California, USA
나형석 (Hyeong Suk Na) University of Missouri, USA
남 쿠미코 홋카이도 대학교
남경림 Baylor University, USA
남궁강 University of Maryland USA
남기윤 Yale University, USA
남상곤 Azusa Pacific University, USA
남상영  Stony Brook University, USA
남선우(Sunwoo Nam) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
남슬기 SOAS University of London UK
남시호   University of North Florida
남애리  Leiden University, The Netherlands
남유진 University of California, San Diego USA
남윤주 University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA
남윤진 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
남은렬 Rakuno University, Japan8
남정현  George Mason University, USA
남지현 University of central florida USA
남태현** (Taehyun Nam) Salisbury University, USA
남훈식 University of Michigan, USA
노경호 University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
노민정 Minjung Noh  Lehigh University, USa
노민주 Gakushuin university, Japan
노선주 Université de Bourgogne, France
노수빈(Subin Noh) The University of Tokyo, Japan
노수웅 University of Central Florida
노수현  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
노연경** University of Southern California, USA
노영아 (Young-Ah Rho)  Virginia Tech, USA
노은명 Kumamotogakuen University, Japan
노재경 Monash University
노재은 (Jae-Eun Noh) Australian Catholic University, Australia
노혜영 Kobe college, Japan
노화영 INSERM, France
당현선 (Hyun-sun DANG) Université Lumière Lyon 2
도나리 University of Alabama, USA
도민선 Western Illinois University USA
람혼 최정우(Ramhon CHOE Jeong U) ISMAC Paris, FRANCE
로기 앤드류 (Andrew Logie) University of Helsinki, Finland
류재욱 University of Central Lancashire, UK
류제원 Clark University, USA
류주연  Aichi Shukutoku University
류지철 Northern Illinois University, USA
류충희 Fukuoka University, JAPAN
류한솔**  Georgia Institute of Technology & Emory University, USA
류현숙 University of Ljubljana
류현주 The University of Alabama, USA
류희철 Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
마이클 니코시야  Cleveland Clinic, USA
명수민 Johns Hopkins University, USA
모성관 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
문상혁 Princeton University
문서영  University of Oxford, UK
문설주 University of Minnesota, USA
문성식 Baylor University, USA
문성준 Johns Hopkins University U.S.
문솔 Tokyo University of the Arts, JAPAN
문수영  Columbia University, USA
문승균  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
문은진 Freie Universität Berlin
문재연 (Marcie Mun)   Australian National University
문정선   University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
문제웅 The University of Alabama, USA
문창윤 University of Tsukuba, Japan
문형돈 EPFL, Switzerland
문희철 Hitostubashi University, Japan
민경림  University catholic of Lyon (ESTRi), France
민동엽(Dongyup Min) Tsuru University, Japan
민미나   Appalachian State University, USA
민병희 Wayne State University, usa
민보라 Monash University, Australia
민일 (IL MINN) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
민지선 University of Oregon, USA
민지훈** International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
민호식  University of Texas at Tyler
박가은 미시간대학교, USA
박강성주  University of Turku, Finland
박건희   Caltech
박광원   Cornell University, USA
박광호 Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
박권식 University of Virginia, USA
박근한 University of Utah, USA
박기동 Louisiana State University, USA
박기웅 University of New Mexico U.S.
박기현   University of Pennsylvania
박나래 University of Manchester, UK
박노자** (Vladimir Tikhonov) University of Oslo, Norway
박덕근 Stanford University USA
박동훈 University of Maryland College Park, USA
박미영 Leiden University
박민정 (Mindy Park) The University of Manchester
박병건 University at Albany, SUNY
박병규 University of Virginia, USA
박병열 University of Alberta, Canada
박보경   The London School of Economics and Political Science
박보경 University of Texas at Dallas, USA
박보현** Senzoku gakuen music of collage/Japan
박새미  University of Tuebingen, Germany
박샘이 (Saemyi Park) University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, USA
박서라 Indiana University Bloomington, USA
박성훈  University of Oldenburg, Germany
박세영   London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
박세인   Washington University in St. Louis, USA
박소연 California Institute of Technology
박소유 Ohio State University, USA
박소윤 (Soyoon Park) York St John University, UK
박소이 University of Manitoba, Canada
박소정 Washington Univetsity in St.Louis
박수림  NEOMA Business School, France
박수민   루이지애나주립대학교
박수연 State University of New York at Plattsburgh USA
박수진 Freie Universitaet Berlin Germany
박수한 Michigan State University Alum, USA
박순천** (Lynne S. Park) University of Auckland, New Zealand
박슬기 Technische Universität Berlin
박승빈 University of Alabama, USA
박승현 Harvard University, USA
박애순 (Aesoon Park)   Syracuse University
박연수(Yeon Soo Park) University of Texas at Dallas 미국
박영규 York College of Pennsylvania USA
박영아 University of Hawaii, USA
박영희  Queensland University of Technology, Australia
박예정 (Yea Jung Park) Saint Louis University, USA
박예진 Baylor College of Medicine, USA
박요셉 Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School U.S.
박유경 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies, JAPAN
박유라 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
박유진 (Yoojin Park)  Imperial College London, UK
박은비 Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
박은성 Tennessee Tech University, USA
박재희 University of North Florida
박정란(Jeongran Park) Aichi University, Japan
박정언   University of California, San Diego
박제욱 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
박종구  Texas State University, USA
박종후(Park, Jonghoo) Doshisha University, Japan
박주영 (Jooyoung Park) KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
박주희 George Mason University, USA
박준현 一橋大学(HITOTSUBASHI UNIV)/전북대학교
박지선 Princeton University US
박지수 (Jisu Park) The Pennsylvania State University, USA
박지숙 University of South Florida
박지영 The University of Texas at Austin, USA
박지원 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany
박지원 University of Birmingham, UK
박지혜 The University of Tokyo, Japan
박지희 Hitotsubashi University, JAPAN
박진영 IARC, France
박진호 Georgia Tech, USA
박진희 Leiden University
박찬영 University of Zurich, Switzerland
박찬형**  UW-Madison, USA
박창원 Brunel University London, UK
박창주 프린스턴
박초아  University College London, UK
박현서  Joshibi University of Art and Design
박현선 Georgia Tech
박현진 Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Germany
박형민 University of Warwick
박형준  National University of Singapore
박혜린  University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
박혜린 University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
박혜윤 (Hyeyoon Park) University of Stirling, UK
박호희 Freie Universität Berlin
박홍준 University of Birmingham, UK
박효원 (Hyowon Park) University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
박효준  Utah State University, USA
박희주 National Film and Television School, UK
반지영 University of California, Davis, USA
방미영 Meijigakuin University, Japan
방현정 (BANG HyunJung) Kyushu University, Japan
배건준 Beijing Normal University, China
배경윤 (Keung Yoon Bae) Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
배민정 University of Fukui,Japan
배민주  University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
배상민 (Sangmin Bae) Northeastern Illinois University, USA
배소윤 University of Pennsylvania, USA
배연주 Ferris State University United States
배원빈 University of Notre Dame, USA
배진선 Carleton University, Canada
배진태  New York University, USA
배채연 Leiden University, the Netherlands
배하은  London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
배해솔 University at Albany, SUNY, USA
백삼열 Boston University United states
백설 Tsinghua University, CHINA
백시진 University of Toronto
백은정 University of Hawaii at Manoa
백정욱 SUNY Binghamton, USA
백현우  Neuchâtel, Suisse
백형주 (BAEK HYUNGJOO) Osaka University, Japan
변규덕  National University of Singapore, Singapore
변성훈 University of South Carolina Upstate
변수용 (Soo-yong Byun) Pennsylvania State University, USA
변영건 University of Warwick, UK
변재환 Wichita State University, USA
봉희종 University of Michigan, USA
서경원 Australian National University, Australia
서리라  Technically University of Munich, Germany
서민우 Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Cambodia
서민재 (Minjae Seo) University of Pennsylvania USA
서민정 Showa Women’s University, JAPAN
서보경  Keio University, JAPAN
서성석** (Ambrose Seo) University of Kentucky, USA
서승욱 University of California, Los Angeles
서영일 (Alex Seo) Univeresity of Melbourne, Australia
서영준  Cornell University, USA
서예원 kunsthochschule Berlin weißensee
서우혁 (Seo Woohyeok) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
서원익  國立成功大學,台灣
서윤아 Ritsumeikan University, Japan
서준우 University of California--Berkeley, USA
서하영 Vanderbilt University
서한주 Imperial College London
서현구 (SEO Hyunkoo) HOSEI University, JAPAN
서희정 (Hee-Jong Seo) Ohio University, USA
석지윤  University of Connecticut
설동훈 전북대학교 대한민국
성기원 (Ki Won Sung) KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
성명원 London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
성아림 Imperial College London 영국
성지은 University of Toronto, Canada
성호경  MIT, USA
손고운  UCSF, USA
손미영 University of Texas Health San Antonio, USA
손민웅 University of Kentucky, USA
손병각 Bayes Business School, City, University of London
손병환 George Mason University, USA
손상길 DESY, Germany
손상모 (Sangmo Tony Sohn) Space Telescope Science Institute, USA
손선애 Universität Bonn, Germany
손세희  Ohio State of University, USA
손영석 California State University Long Beach, USA
손정식 University of Leeds, UK
손정원 (Jung Won Sonn)** University College London, UK
손주경 Heidelberg University, Germany
손지원 State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
손지윤  Ghent University, Belgium
송경원 California College of the Arts, USA
송아라(Ara Song)  TU Berlin
송예은   Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden
송유나   University of Texas at Austin, USA
송은서  일본, 일본전자전문학교
송은영 Clark University, USA
송은진 Universität Münster
송은혜 Université de Rennes 2, France
송인석** (Inseok Song) University of Georgia, USA
송자영 University of Oslo
송지영 (Jay Song) Australian National University, Australia
송지원 University of Edinburgh, UK
송지은  Johns Hopkins Medicine, USA
송진영 University at Buffalo, Japan
송태정 University of Arizona
송희수 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
신 숙 Virginia Tech
신동수 Ritumeikan Center for korean Studies, Japan
신동일 University of Maryland, USA
신명직 Kumamoto-Gakuen University, Japan
신명훈 University of Tuebingen, Germany
신민재  University of Bristol, UK
신상현 Comenius University, Slovakia
신선우 Oakland University, USA
신성영 (Sungyoung Shin) Monash University, Australia
신송연 (Songyon Shin) Southeast Missouri State University, USA
신수나   Cincinnati Children's Hospital, USA
신수나 Cincinnati Children's Hospital, USA
신수련** (Su Ryon Shin) Harvard University, USA
신아름  Tsinghua University, China
신영기 Mcmaster University, Canada
신예섭 Heinlich-Heine Universität, Germany
신용윤 (Yongyun Shin) Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
신유정  Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
신윤창  Université de Genève
신은경 Pennsylvania State University USA
신은주 Keele University
신은주 The University of Tokyo, Japan
신재우 La Jolla Institute for Immunology
신정윤 University of Toronto, Canada
신정현   Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
신정훈 Free University of Berlin, Germany
신지연 Ochanomizu University, Japan
신지원  Bielefeld University, Germany
신지원 Kanda University of International Studies, Japan
신지윤 (Chi-Yun Shin)  Sheffield Hallam University, UK
신지은 University of Florida
신해수(Haesoo Shin)  McGill University, Canada
신현방 (Hyun Bang Shin) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
신혜리  Musician, Germany
신혜진 University of Hawaii at Manoa
신희륜 Bard College, USA
신희주   University of St Andrews, UK
심규연((Kyu-Youn Butler) Peru State University USA
심다미 Lund university, Sweden
심명보 Tsinghua University, China
심민주 Bielefeld University
심상인 Osaka University, Japan
심소호 Cornell University, USA
심우진  Kyoto University, Japan
심윤필  University of Texas at El Paso
심재성 Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania USA
안민구 University of Bristol, UK
안민영 University of Arizona, USA
안민주 Imperial College London
안새롬 Université Paris Sorbonne nouvelle
안서연 Natioanl University of Singapore, Duke-NUS medical school
안선영 Sunyoung Ahn University of Toronto, Canada
안선하 University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
안성용 University of Queensland
안성호 University of Central Florida, USA
안연선 Goethe University Frankfurt
안영 University of Pennsylvania, USA
안용열 Indiana University, Bloomington
안은별(Eunbyul Ahn)  University of Tokyo, JAPAN
안정모 University of Texas at Dallas USA
안정원 (Jungwon Ahn) St. Cloud State University, USA
안정현 NEOMA Business School France
안종은 (Chong Eun Ahn) Central Washington University, USA
안종철 (Jong-Chol An) Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
안준현 the University of Tokyo
안지나 Okinawa international university, Japan
안지현 University of Washington Tacoma, USA
안창혜 (Changhye Ahn) Rutgers University, USA
안철현(Chulhyun Ahn) Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, USA
안해성 British Columbia Institute of Technology Canada
안혜원  Southern Wesleyan University
안효진 University of Central Lancashire
안희경** University of Edinburgh, UK
양나연  University of North Texas
양명지 University of Hawai'i-Manoa, USA
양서은 Northeastern University USA
양성운   Boston University, USA
양소희 UCL, UK
양수정 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
양시문 (Stephen Yang)  UW-Madison, USA
양우석 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France
양우연 University College Dublin
양은혜  Cornell University, USA
양인실 (Insil Yang) Iwate university, Japan
양정희  London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
양주연 University of New South Wales, Australia
양지원 California Institute of Technology
양태연 Princeton University
양판석(Panseok Yang) University of Manitoba, Canada
양희준 Greensboro College
어대건**  Harvard University, USA
엄부연 Arc institute, USA
엄석인 University of Tsukuba, Japan
엄치용 (Chi-Yong Eom)  Cornell University
엄태연   Université Paris-Nanterre
엄혜경 The University of Liverpool, UK
여다연  Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden, Germany
여사라 University of Arizona, USA
여정원 University of Central Florida, USA
여혜수  University of Arkansas, USA
연재훈 (YEON Jaehoon) SOAS University of London, UK
염한엽 (Han-Yup Yum) University of Wollongong, Australia
오광성   University of Nebraska Omaha
오광욱 SUNY at Buffalo, USA
오대환 Meijo University, JAPAN
오동원 National University of Singapore, Singapore
오상순 (Sang Soon Oh) Cardiff University, UK
오선진  The University of Tokyo
오성식 (Seongshik Oh) Rutgers University, USA
오세연 Kanto Gakuin University, Japan
오세원   University of South Carolina
오세종 (Se-Jong OH) University of Ryukyus, Japan
오승빈 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
오승훈 Durham University, UK
오요한 (Yoehan Oh) Yale University, USA
오윤신 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
오윤화** SOAS University of London, UK
오인제 Doshisha University, Japan
오재훤(Jewheon Oh) Meiji University, Japan
오정선 University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
오종원 The University of Texas at Austin, USA
오주현 University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
오지훈 California Institute of Technology
오태성 Washington University in St. Louis 미국
오학수 Hosei University, Japan
오형우 WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
오형우 WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
온성권 Carnegie Mellon University, USA
용환미 Johns Hopkins University, USA
우은희 (Eun Hee Woo) Josai International University, Japan
우종석 University of South Florida, USA
우채림 (Chaelim Woo) Waseda University, Japan
원신애**  KU LEUVEN, Belgium
원준석** Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
원진하 University of Tübingen, Germany
원현우**  University of Wisconsin-Madison
원혜정 UNC Chapel Hill, USA
유 신 University of Chicago
유가을   UC Irvine, USA
유경수 University of Minnesota, USA
유경현 University of Tokyo, Japan
유민영  Simon Fraser University, Canada
유소윤 New York University, USA
유송희 LMU Munich, Germany
유승연 Caltech, USA
유승준 University of Massachusetts Amherst
유영기 University of Houston
유영주 University of Michigan, USA
유은실 University of Central Florida, USA
유은영 North Carolina Central University, USA
유인숙 Tokai University, Japan
유재열 University of Zürich
유재중  Youngstown State University
유주연 Columbia University, USA
유지영 Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
유지용 Duke University, USA
유지희 Technical University of Munich, Germany
유찬주  Cornell University
유현정 (Hyunjung Yoo)** University College London, UK
윤 문구 Tokyo University of Social Welfare, Japan
윤가원 Missouri State University, USA
윤다운  TU Wien, Austria
윤다희  DePauw University, USA
윤동욱 University of British Columbia Canada
윤동혁   Princeton University
윤미나 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
윤병준  Texas A&M University, USA
윤솔빈   Caltech
윤수미 Fukuoka University, Japan
윤수현 Princeton University US
윤아영 Indiana University Indianapolis
윤영주 University of California San Francisco, USA
윤예승 University of Hawaii at Manoa
윤운종 University of Washington Bothell
윤재원   Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
윤정연  SLU, Sweden
윤지수  Oklahoma state university, USA
윤지인 JIIN YUN  London School of Economics and Social Science (LSE), UK
윤지인 LSE (London School of Economics and Social Science) UK
윤진영 Queen’s University, Canada
윤창규  Cornell University, USA
윤채빈 Louisiana State University USA
윤채원 Max Planck Institute, Germany
윤태은 (Jessie Yoon) Cornell University, USA
윤형진 Tennessee Technological University, USA
윤혜림 Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
윤홍기 (Hong-key Yoon) University of Auckland, New Zealand
윤환식  University of Alabama, USA
이강상 University of Central Florida, USA
이강진 Universität Erfurt, Deutschland
이건성  Southern Wesleyan University, USA
이겨레 Leiden University | Radboud University, The Netherlands
이경선 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
이경수 Purdue University, USA
이경식 (K. Samuel Lee)   Claremont School of Theology
이경원 (Kyeongwon Lee) University of Maryland, USA
이경은 University of Hawaii at Manoa
이경희 Independent researcher, Denmark
이경희 University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley USA
이고은   DePauw University
이관승**  University of Houston Victoria
이광호** (Kwangho Lee) Keio University, Japan
이규만 Missouri State University USA
이근혁   École Pratique des Hautes Études, Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres)
이금강  independent, USA
이금비 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
이금종 University of Queensland
이길하 Emory University, USA
이나경 (Nakyung Lee) Kyushu University, Japan
이나경 University of Houston, USA
이남강 University of California, Los Angeles USA
이남연 University of North Carolina at Pembroke USA
이다은**  National University of Singapore, Singapore
이덕형 Asbury University, USA
이도영 (Do Young Lee) University of Oslo, Norway
이동주 UNSW, Australia
이동훈 University of Michigan, USA
이명운 Drexel University, USA
이명희 Michigan State University, USA
이미나  American University, USA
이미숙 (Misook Lee) Otsuma Women's University, Japan
이미정 (Lee, Mi-jeong) Université de Montréal, Canada
이민교   California Institute of Technology
이민영 (Min Young Lee) University of Kentucky
이민주 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
이민진 (Lee Minjin) Rikkyo University, Japan
이민희 The University of Edinburgh, UK (Scotland)
이병호 Karolinska Institutet 스웨덴
이보람 London School of Economics, UK
이보미  University of Arkansas, USA
이보연 (Boyeun Lee) University of Exeter, UK
이보영 Western Illinois University USA
이보윤  Queen's University, Canada
이사민 Tampere University
이산하 University of Zurich, Switzerland
이상엽 University of Pittsburgh, USA
이상윤 (Sangyun Lee) Kyoto University
이상준 City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
이상준 Kanto Gakuin University
이서영 Ohio State University, USA
이서은 University of Gothenburg
이석기 Youngstown State University, USA
이석희 Rutgers University
이선빈 (Sunbinn Lee) Harvard University, USA
이선옥 University of Groningen, Nederlands
이성수 (Sung Soo Lee) University of Toronto, Canada
이성식 McMaster University, Canada
이성애 (Sung-Ae Lee) Macquarie University, Australia
이성원 (SungWon Yoon-Lee) The Pennsylvania State University, USA
이성윤 Middle Tennessee State University, USA
이세민 (Semin Lee) Louisiana State University, USA
이세하 (Seha Lee) University of Potsdam, Germany
이세환  University of Notre Dame
이세희   UC Berkeley
이소연 Indiana University, USA
이소정   University of Tennessee
이수민   Hiroshima University
이수민  Universität Bonn, Germany
이수범 New York Genome Center, USA
이수정 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
이수정 University of Michigan
이수지 Tokai University, Japan
이수현 (Su-Hyun Lee) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
이수현 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany
이순이 Mercy University, USA
이슬샘 York University, Toronto, Canada
이슬아  University of Minnesota, USA
이슬아 (Seul A Lee) Universität Vechta, Germany
이승민 Paris 8 University, France
이승원  University of Cincinnati, USA
이승은  University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
이승은  University of St Andrews, UK
이승이  USA
이승익 Jagiellonian University, Poland
이승주   Princeton University
이승주  Wichita State University, USA
이승헌** (Seunghun Lee) University of Virginia, USA
이승현  University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
이승호  Georgia Institute of Technology
이승환 University of Leeds, UK
이시우  UC Berkeley
이시헌 University of Hamburg, Germany
이신우 California State University, Chico USA
이실라 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
이아람  University of Debrecen, Hungary
이아롱 York University, Canada
이아름 University of Maryland, USA
이아현 (Ah-Hyun Angela Lee) Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
이안지영  Thompson Rivers University, Canada
이앤드리아  Austin Peay State University, USA
이연경 Imperial College London
이연수 (Yeonsu Lee) University of Leeds, UK
이연우  San Diego State University, USA
이연주   Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
이영롱** University of Toronto, Canada
이영삼 University of Kentucky, USA
이영서  University of Oxford, UK
이영주 Smith College
이영채** Keisen University, Japan
이예린** London Studio Centre, Middlesex University, UK
이예슬   University of California, San Diego
이예원 (Yewon Andrea Lee) University of Tübingen
이예지  Hitotsubashi University, JAPAN
이예지  La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI), USA
이예지**  New York University
이오은 Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin
이우경 Dongguk University Los Angeles Campus
이우진 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
이원근(Wonkeun Lee) University of Hawaii, USA
이원석 California Institute of Technology
이원주 Hokkaido University, Japan
이위정  Vanderbilt University, USA
이유경 (Youkyung Lee) The University of Texas at Austin, USA
이유나  University at Albany, USA
이유재 (You Jae Lee) University of Tuebingen, Germany
이윤아 University of Brighton, UK
이윤정  University of Bristol, UK
이윤정 University of Leicester
이윤주 University of Texas at Austin, USA
이윤지 Rikkyo University, Japan
이윤지 Ritsumeikan University, Japan
이윤지 University of Oxford, UK
이은 Hokkaido University
이은서 University of Westminster
이은성   University of Pennsylvania
이은실 (Eunsil Lee) University at Buffalo, USA
이은영 (Eun Young Lee) University of Kentucky, USA
이은영 Central Washington University, USA
이은정 (Eun Jeong Lee) NYC College of Technology of CUNY, USA
이은지  University of Tokyo, Japan
이은지 University of St Andrews, Scotland
이은진 (Eunjin Lee Tracy)**  University of Missouri, USA
이은진 University of Maryland College Park USA
이은진(Eunjin Lee) UCLA, USA
이의환 Harvard University USA
이인구 University of California, San Diego
이인석** University College Loncon, UK
이인엽 (Inyeop Lee) Tennessee Tech University, USA
이자연** University of Gothenburg, Sweden
이재경 University of Georgia
이재규 (Jae-Kyoo Lee)  Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
이재민 University of Leeds UK
이재연 Baylor College of Medicine
이재욱 Leiden University, Netherlands
이재운** SUNY-Buffalo, USA
이재은 Goethe University Frankfurt
이재하**  Caltech, USA
이재호 University of North Florida
이정연 The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
이정연 University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
이정우  Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
이정이 (Jeongyi Lee) Kennesaw State University, USA
이정철 Texas A&M
이정현 Louisiana State University, USA
이정훈 Baylor University, USA
이종관 Bowling Green State University
이주연  Cleveland Clinic
이주연 (Juyeon Lee) University of Waterloo, Canada
이주엽 (Joo-Yup Lee) University of Toronto, Canada
이주원 University of Georgia, USA
이주헌 Midwestern State University, USA
이주헌 Tennessee Tech University, USA
이주희 (LEE, Juhee) Waseda University, JAPAN
이준우** SIGO, China
이중우 (Jungwoo Lee)   Princeton University
이지민 University of Houston USA
이지선 University of British Columbia, Canada
이지애 California State University Long Beach, USA
이지우  London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
이지원 University at Albany, SUNY, USA
이지윤 Monash University, Australia
이지은 Renaissance Learning
이지형 ETH Zürich, Switzerland
이진  University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
이진 (Yhee, Jean) Institut Politik und Kultur, Germany
이진경 University of Missouri, USA
이진금 Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
이진수 University of Manchester, UK
이진아 (Jinah Lee) Keio University, Japan
이진아 Boston College, USA
이진아 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
이채연 University of Iowa USA
이충일 Tohoku University
이하린 Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany
이하빈** (Habin Lee) Brunel University of London, UK
이하은 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
이한구 Max Planck Institute, Germany
이한빈 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
이한얼 (Harold Lee) Pennsylvania State University, USA
이한희** (Han Lee) University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
이해담 Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main
이향진 (Hyangjin Lee) Rikkyo University, Japan
이현(Hyun, Lee)  Université catholique de l’ouest, France
이현경 Tokai University, Japan
이현승 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
이현우   University of Utah
이현정 Universität Leipzig, Germany
이형국 Caltech
이혜연 (Hyeyeon Lee) Georgia Institute of Technology 미국
이혜원 (Haeweon Yi) University of Manchester, UK
이혜지 (Hye Ji Erica Lee) Te Ara Whakawhiti | Massey University College, Auckland, New Zealand
이혜진  Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
이홍미 Purdue University, USA
이홍석 University at Albany, SUNY
이화윤(Hwayoon Lee)  The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
이효진  Ca' Foscari University
이희승 (Hee-Seung Irene Lee) University of Auckland, New Zealand
이희영 University at Albany, SUNY, USA
이희종 Purdue University, USA
인명호 (Myung-Ho In) Mayo Clinic, USA
임기훈 University of Iowa, USA
임동우  Tsuda University, Japan
임미선 WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
임미주 (Mijoo LIM) Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
임선애 l’Université de Strasbourg
임성수  Calvin University, USA
임소진 University of Central Lancashire, UK
임숙 St. Catherine University, USA
임예건   California Institute of Technology
임우영  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
임유경 Erasmus University Medical Center, Netherlands
임유경 University of Sheffield, UK
임유미 Southwest Minnesota State University USA
임은지 Imperial College London, UK
임은진   University College London
임이랑 TU Delft Netherlands
임자은 (Jaeun Lim) Cornell University, USA
임재모**  UCLouvain, Belgium
임재연  University of Texas at Austin, USA
임재연 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 미국
임준수 (Joon Soo Lim)  Syracuse University, USA
임지연 California Institute of the Arts
임지호 Stanford University, USA
임진명  City, University of London
임진혁  Université Paris-Saclay, France
임혜원 University of Leeds
임희웅 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA
장명준** University of Oxford, UK
장서영(Christina Seoyoung Jang) UCLA
장세영 University of Vienna
장수연 EPFL, Switzerland
장승순 Georgia Institute of Technology
장연주 Cornell University, USA
장영인 Binghamton University, SUNY, USA
장예은  Washington University in St. Louis, USA
장용석  California State University, San Bernardino, USA
장원용  University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire, USA
장유선 케네소 주립 대학교 미국
장윤향 Saga women's junior college, Japan
장은영 Grand Valley State University USA
장은희  University of South Australia, Australia
장재일 Saxion University, Netherlands
장진성 Mayo Clinic, USA
장진혁 National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
장찬용 Silvec Biologics, USA
장하림   University of Tokyo
장하림 University of Hamburg, Germnay
장하석 (Hasok Chang) University of Cambridge
장하준 (Ha-Joon Chang) SOAS University of London
장한빛 TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands
장현경  University of Sheffield
장현우 미시간대학교, USA
장현정 (Hyeonjeong Seo Jang) Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
장형진 University of Birmingham
장희경 University of Duisbrug-Essen, Germany
전미현 York University
전민지  University of Oxford, UK
전성민 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
전성민 Vancouver Institute for Evangelical Worldview, Canada
전순영 (Soon Yung Jun) A National Lab, USA
전승희 Boston College, USA
전신영  University of Missouri, USA
전영선 Max-Planck Institute, Germany
전용근 National Central University, Taiwan
전철희 Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania
전태호  Hokusei Gakuen University, JAPAN
전현진 University of Maryland Baltimore, USA
전혜원  King’s College London, UK
전홍기 Duke University, USA
정가경   Columbia college
정가람  Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, Germany
정가영 UC Davis, USA
정노엘 (Chung Noel) University of Cambridge
정다은   Baylor College of Medicine, USA
정동혁 University for the Creative Arts, UK
정동희 (Donghui Jeong) Penn State University, USA
정라리  University of California, San Diego
정레베카  University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
정문영 Stonehill College USA
정문정 University of Chicago
정민기 University of Birmingham
정보람 (Boram Jeong)   University of Colorado Denver
정선경   University of Mary Hardin Baylor
정성경  Wuppertal University, Germany
정성준 University of Gothenburg
정성필 University of Toronto, Canada
정세경  Tokyo university, japan
정세연 Louisiana State University, USA
정수진 Sujin Jung  Indiana University Bloomington, USA
정승연 University of California, Irvine, USA
정승호   Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
정신지 (Jung, Sin Ji) The University of Melbourne, Australia
정아름 Arizona State University, USA
정연   Sorbonne Université
정연우   Bergen community college
정연웅 (Yeonwoong Jung) University of Central Florida, USA
정연주 Stockholm University
정연호 London School of Economics
정예지 University of Toronto, Canada
정용국 KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
정용익 Louisiana State University
정우목** Wisconsin-Madison, USA
정우조 University of Tokyo, JAPAN
정원호 Central Theological Seminary USA
정유미  UCL
정유영 (Youyoung Jung) EHESS(École Haute des Études en Sciences Sociales), Paris, France
정윤원  UCSD, USA
정의영 Universidad de Alicante Spain
정의진  University of Kansas, USA
정인경  Saga Women's Junior College, JAPAN
정인영 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
정인태   Space Telescope Science Institute, USA
정임숙 (Imsuk Jung)   University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy
정장욱 Louisiana State University, USA
정재광 Yale University
정재숙 (Jae-sook Cheong) University of Bayreuth, Germany
정재영 University of Central Lancashire, UK
정정훈  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
정제인  Emory University, USA
정종우 Georgia State University
정종철 University of Kentucky, USA
정주하(Jooha Jung) Harvard University, USA
정주희 Heidelberg University, Germany
정지수  London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
정지연 Central Washington University, USA
정지정  The Ohio State University, USA
정지현   Duke University
정청세** Davidson College, USA
정하연 Technische universität Berlin
정하은 University of Arizona, USA
정한나  Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
정한모 Hokkaido University, Japan
정현주 University of Kentucky, USA
정현중 University of Alberta, Canada
정현환 Baylor College of Medicine, USA
정혜빈 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
정혜승 University at Buffalo, USA
정혜지   University of Oklahoma
정회강 Universidad Pontificia Comillas
정회민 Caltech
정희경 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
조가빈 (Kabin Jo) Universiry of Colorado-Boulder
조가희 University of Sheffield, UK
조건우   Princeton University
조경찬 Purdue University, USA
조규동 교아이가쿠엔마에바시국제대학, Japan
조명신   Indiana University, Bloomington
조민 Feinstein graduate school of cinema, USA
조민서 Imperial College London, UK
조민지 Portland State University
조별하  Dong-Eui Institute of Technology
조삼상 International Christian University, Japan
조상훈 Texas Christian University
조서연  Macalester College, USA
조서연 University of Tokyo, Japan
조성문   Washington university in St.Louis
조성수  Midwestern State University, USA
조성엽  University of Munich, Germany
조성준 University of Oxford
조세진 Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
조수철 Indiana University, USA
조승규** National University of Singapore, Singapore
조승종 Texas Tech University, USA
조아예 University of North Florida
조연주 University of Texas at Tyler
조연화   Université Paris Nanterre
조영원 (Youngwon Cho) St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
조영준 Univerisity of Birmingham UK
조원형 (Cho Wonhyong) Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
조윤명  Indiana University Bloomington, USA
조은지 Boston College, USA
조정훈 (Junghun Cho) State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
조주영 Northwestern University 미국
조태호 Indiana University
조태희 Buffalo State University
조하연 (Hayeon Cho)  LSE, UK
조하영 Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, USA
조현각 (Hyunkag Cho) Michigan State University, USA
조현덕 University of California San Diego
조현지   Sorbonne Université
조현지** Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
조형진** (Hyoung Jin Cho) University of Central Florida, USA
조형찬 University of Southern California USA
조혜수 (Cho Hyesu)  Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
조혜진 Simon Fraser University, Canada
조호진  Texas Tech University, USA
조효림 (Hyorim Joe) University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
주강현 University of Bern, Switzerland
주승섭 (Sungsub Choo) San Diego State University, USA
주우정 (Woojeong Joo) Nagoya University, Japan
주원탁 University of Florida USA
주지은 EPFL, Switzerland
주해연 (Hae Yeon Choo) University of Toronto, Canada
주형숙** Bowling Green State University, USA
주혜정 Claflin University, USA
지승경**  University of Minnesota USA
지재훈   Princeton University
지하나 York St John University, UK
진경애 Eötvös Loránd University
진보람   Washington University in St. Louis
진소연 Technical University of Munich, Germany
진수민  Karolinska Institute, Sweden
진승민 Higher School of Economics Russia
차민지 King's College London, UK
차인하 (Inha Cha) Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
채민진 Harvard University
채상원** University of Oxford, UK
채승훈 University of Leeds, UK
채인석 Senshu University, Japan
채희창 Heechang Chae  Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
천은정  Syracuse University, USA
천하늘  National University of Singapore
최가영 University College London, UK
최경희 (Kyeong-Hee Choi) The University of Chicago, USA
최기백  Cornell University, USA
최남주 (Namjoo Choi) University of Kentucky, USA
최말순 National Chengchi University, Taiwan
최문희  Chukyo University, JAPAN
최미라 Yale University, USA
최미선 Claremont School of Theology, USA
최미숙 University of Groningen, the Netherlands
최범용 Emory University
최병욱 University of Minnesota, USA
최보르미  National University of Singapore
최상현  University of Chicago, USA
최서영 Stetson University, USA
최석준 University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
최선경(Sunkung Choi)  University of Groningen, The Netherlands
최선경(Sunkung Choi) University of Groningen, The Netherlands
최성문** Yokohama National University, Japan
최성은 University of Queensland, Australia
최성희 Osaka-sangyo university, JAPAN
최수현 Columbia University
최아름 Colorado College
최여진  University of Tsukuba, Japan
최영래** Florida International University, USA
최영옥 University of Kentucky, USA
최영태 University of North Florida
최예린 (Yerin Choe) Hitotsubashi University, Japan
최예솔   University of California, Davis
최완용 University of North Florida
최요한 University of Kentucky, USA
최용진 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
최욱진 (Wookjin Choi) Thomas Jefferson University United States
최원경 Leiden University The Netherlands
최원준 Universität Tübingen, Germany
최원진 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
최유경 University College London UK
최유미 La Réunion University, France
최유미 베를린
최윤석  Texas A&M University
최윤선 Valdosta State University USA
최은경  University of Maryland, USA
최은상 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA
최은실 University of British Columbia, Canada
최은주 (Eunjoo Choi) Murray State University, USA
최은철  University of Southern California, USA
최의현   Georgia Institute of Technology
최인석  University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
최인석  University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, USA
최자영 Technische Universität Berlin
최재훈 University of Maryland, USA
최정실 Cleveland State University, USA
최정임 Bowling Green State University
최정훈 (Jeonghun Choi)   Harvard University, University of Tokyo
최종우 (Chongwoo Choe) Monash University, Australia
최종원 Vancouver Institute for Evangelical Worldview, Canada
최중식  Pennsylvania State University, USA
최지연 (Jiyeon Choi) Ankara Üniversitesi, TURKEY
최지영 (JI Young Choi) Ohio Wesleyan University, USA
최지우  Technical University of Munich, Germany
최지웅 (Gi Woong Choi) University of Cincinnati, USA
최지유 Université de Strasbourg, France
최지윤 Imperial College London
최지지 (Gigi Choi) University of Sheffield, UK
최지지 University of Sheffield, UK
최지현 University of Nottingham, UK
최태림 ETH Zurich
최태원 Senshu University, Japan
최하니** Rutgers University, USA
최하진 Bowling Green State University, USA
최현덕   Universität Tübingen
최형선 University College of London
최형욱 Drexel University
최흥재 Cardiff University, UK
추교성** Youngstown State University, USA
추요한 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
추효정  Emory University
태유진  JGU Mainz, Germany
표선경 Washington University in St. Louis, USA
표희 University of Dundee
하경균 (Gyeong-Gyun Ha) King's College London, UK
하동삼 Virginia Tech
하범식(Ha Bumsig) National University of Kaohsiung,
하성희 University of Chicago, USA
하용현 Yale University, USA
하재식 University of Illinois at Springfield United States (미국)
하채연 Yale University, USA
하현수   Princeton University
한건수 McGill University, Canada
한경준 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
한규영 (Kyu Young Han) University of Central Florida, USA
한규현   University of Rhode Island
한길수** (Gil-Soo Han) Monash University, Australia
한누리 University Hospital of Zürich, Switzerland
한다희 University of Utah 미국
한동균 (DongGyun Han) Royal Holloway, University of London
한상도 University of Wisconsin - Madison
한상은 Simon Fraser University, Canada
한상훈  University of Basel, Switzerland
한성림  University of California, San Diego
한성민 University of Florida USA
한성주 Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany
한솔 Cornell University, USA
한송열 The University of Alabama, USA
한승진 McMaster University, Canada
한영주 Vancouver Institute of Evangelical Worldview, CANADA
한용덕 University og Illinois Chicago
한우경 Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
한윤애  Leiden University, the Netherlands
한은하 Monash University, Australia
한종은 (Jong-Eun Han) University at Buffalo, USA
한주경 McMaster University, Canada
한주리 New York University USA
한지우 Jiwoo Han  Columbia University, USA
한혜원   Western University
함주희  University Arts of London, UK
허미선 Daito Bunka University, Japan
허성구(SungKu Heo)  Imperial College London, UK
허성국 University of Virginia
허성원 (Sungwon Heo) University of California, Davis, USA
허소린 Emory University
허우녕  The Rockefeller University, USA
허유진 Penn State University, USA
허은채  London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
허준 Louisiana State University
허찬희 Chanhee Heo** Stanford University, USA
허창 Niagara University, USA
현민희   SLAC-Stanford Univ./Rubin Observatory
현정임 University of Turku
형 린 (Rin HYEONG) Tunghai University, Taiwan
형지아 Seneca College
홍남명 (Nammyoung Hong) Technical University, Germany
홍다솜** University of Oxford, UK
홍석영 Ohio university, USA
홍석화 University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA
홍성희 Ohio University
홍수진 Hokkaido university, Japan
홍승혜 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA
홍예은 University at Albany, SUNY, USA
홍윤신 HONG Yunshin) Okinawa University, Japan
홍지소 University of Pennsylvania, USA
홍지연 (Jean Hong) University of Michigan, USA
홍진국 Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
홍찬영 (Ted Hong) University of Cincinnati (alum)/a Global Pharma r&d (current), USA
홍혜원  Okayama University of Science, Japan
홍혜원 (Hyewon Hong) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
황민석   Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
황민태  University of Bristol
황민태  University of Bristol, UK
황성빈 Rikkyo University, Japan
황성혜  Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
황수경 University of Sydney, Australia
황숙진   Université Paris Nanterre
황연재 University of California, Los Angeles USA
황은경 SUNY at New Paltz, USA
황인준 University of Oxford, UK
황인택 Tampere Peace Research Institute, Finland
황종현   Princeton University
황준서 Juneseo Hwang   Universität Hamburg, Germany
황준성 University of Potsdam, Germany
황태희 Indiana University Bloomington
황현석 University of Houston
황현주 Southwest Minnesota State University USA
황현태 University of Kentucky, USA
황혜림  Osnabrück University, Germany
Adam Bohnet King's University College at Western, Canada
Ahlem Faraoun University of Manchester, UK
Akino Oshiro  University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Anders Riel Müller** University of Stavanger, Norway
Andreas Schirmer Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Andrew Gambardella University of Tokyo, Japan
Andrew Taeho Kim University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Andy Jackson Monash University, Australia
Antonio Fiori Università di Bologna, Italia
Antonio Fiori** Bologna University, Italy
Ayoung Kim Washington University in St.Louis
Birgit Geipel  University of Tuebingen, Germany
Bonnie Tilland Leiden University
Boudewijn Walraven Leiden University Netherlands
Boyoung Chang   University of Alberta, Canada
Caroline Yoon, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Celeste Arrington George Washington University USA
Chanil Choi Mayo Clinic USA
Chungwook Sim  University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Chunsik Lee  University of North Florida, USA
Danhyang Lee Baylor University
Daniel Pieper   Monash University
Daniel Pieper   Monash University
Daun Ryu Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden
Dohyeong Kim University of Texas at Dallas United States
Donghyun Lim  University of Manitoba, Canada
Dongwon Shin  Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Edward Kwon Northern Kentucky University, USA
Elmer Veldkamp Leiden University
Esther Shin Illinois State University
Esther Song University of Bergen, Norway
Euijin Hur  University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Euisuk Sung New York City College of Technology of CUNY, USA
Eun Mi Kim Eastern Kentucky University
Eunha Hoh San Diego State Univer
Eunhee Kim Massachusetts General Hospital United States
Eunhee Koo University of Mainz, Germany
Eunji Kim  Columbia University, USA
Eunji Oh  University of Pennsylvania, USA
eunjin kim musashino art university,MAU
Eunsuk Hur University of Leeds
Federico Pianzola University of Groningen
Florian Pölking Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Grace Park Ball State University, USA
Graeme Reynolds University of Chicago, USA
Gyu-Ho Shin   University of Illinois Chicago
Ha Min Jung University of Oxford, UK
Han Kang (강한) University of Toronto, Canada
Hanna Park University of Hamburg
Ha-Young Lee (grad. from, based in) KU Leuven 벨기에
Heehyun Jung   Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Hee-Jin Jun San Diego State Univ.
Heejo Lee the Pennsylvania State University USA
Hoeseok Yang  Santa Clara University, USA
Hosub Hwang (황호섭)  University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Huijong Han European XFEL, Germany
Hwasook Nam University of Washington
Hwayeon Lee University of Colorado Boulder USA
HwaYoung Kim  Cornell University, USA
Hyemin Han  University of Alabama, USA
Hyemin Park** University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Hyeyoung Woo  Portland State University
Hyungsoo Kim University of Kentucky, USA
Hyunji Yu  University of California San Diego
Hyunjin Choi Missouri State University US
Hyunju Park   University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Hyunsoo Yoo Baylor University US
Hyunsook Park California State University, Los Angeles
Hyunsu Jeong  Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, München, Deutschland
Hyun-Woo Jeong Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
IMASATO Hajime University of Hyogo Japan
Impeach and Punish Yoon Seok-yeol  Karl Mata Hipol, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Canada
Inchul Jung  Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Isaac Cho  Utah State University, USA
Jacee Cho University of Wisconsin Madison USA
Jaeeun Kim University of Michigan, USA
Jaein Lee Arkansas State University
Jaesub Hong Harvard University
James A. Foley University of Sheffield, UK
Jamie Doucette** University of Manchester, UK
Jean Oh Carnegie Mellon University United States
Jeehyae Chung University of Michigan
Jenny Jun Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeon Lee UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Jeong Yun Choi  Heidelberg University
Jeongwoo Lee New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Jinhyun Cho Macquarie University
Jin-Ok KIM (김진옥) Université Paris Cité
Jisoo Kim University of Cambridge
Jisun Yu Concordia University, Canada
Jisung Lee Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA
Jiwoo Kim  Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Jiwoo Kim Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Joan Cho Wesleyan University, USA
Joan Cho Wesleyan University, USA
Jojo Lee**  LSE, UK
Jong Cheon Lee California Baptist University USA
Joo Young Hong Mercer University
Jooyeon Rhee Pennsylvania State Univeresity USA
Joseph Jeong   University of Arizona
Jungin Choi University of Europe for Applied Sciences
Kangkook Jee The University of Texas at Dallas United States
Kathryn Furlong Université de Montréal, Canada
Kazuki Morita  Doshisha University, Japan
Kevin Gray University of Sussex, UK
Kevin Park University of Toronto, Canada
Kim Hye Ran  HSE University, Russia
Kwan Yi Eastern Kentucky University, USA
Kyong-Ah Kwon University of Oklahoma, USA
Kyoung Eun Lee University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Kyoungmi Kim University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
Kyung Min Bae   University of the Philippines
Kyunyoung Shim  Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, Germany
Laam Hae York University
Lami Kim  Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
Larry Lustig University of Maryland (UMUC) 은퇴, USA
Lee ankoo Okayama University, Japan
Lee Young Mi  Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Peru
Lene Myong University of Stavanger, Norway
Lily Jin Goldsmiths, University of London
Lumi Kang  University of California San Diego
Magnus Andersen Uppsala University, Sweden
Maja Lee Langvad University of Southern Denmark, DK
Marion Eggert Ruhr University Bochum Germany
Martin Gehlmann Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Mathieu Berbiguier Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Matty Wegehaupt** Lawrence University, USA
Michin Hong (홍미진)  Indiana University, USA
Mihye Cho  Waseda University (Japan)
Mihye Won Monash University
Mi-Jeong Lee Université de Montréal, Canada
Mijin Choi Texas State University, USA
Minhyea Lee University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Minji Son Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
Minjung KIM   Université Paris Cité
Minyeong Yoon The University of Texas at Dallas USA
Misuk Yun, University of Manitoba, Canada
Misung Jo University of Kentucky, USA
Moon J. Lee Syracuse University
Moon-Sook Woo University of Michigan, USA
Myeongje Jang Caltech
Nami Ha  Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Namkee G. Choi University of Texas at Austin, USA
Nan Kim University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Nan Sook Park University of South Florida, USA
Owen Miller SOAS University of London, UK
Patrick Bond University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Patrick Vierthaler Kyoto University, Japan
Pyounghwa Park  Wistar Institute, USA
Richard Kim  University of California, Davis
Robert J. Fouser Independent Scholar
SAEJI, CedarBough  Busan National University
Sanghoon Shin  University of Maryland, USA
Sangmin Shin Southern Illinois University Carbondale USA
Sara Koopman Kent State University
Sarah Keith Macquarie University
Se Hoon Choi Harvard Medical School USA
Seeun chun   London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Seonghui Lee University of Essex United Kingdom
Seoyoyng An**  University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Seulbi Lee Heriot-Watt University, UK
Seungeun Oh UC San Diego
Seungjoo Yoon Carleton College, USA
Shinhyu Kang Hope College United States
So Young Sohn   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Soh-young Choi  TU Darmstadt, Germany
Sohyun Kim University of Bonn, Germany
Sojin Yu University of Sheffield
Sojung Lim  Utat State University, USA
Son uisub  Hitotubashi University, Japan
Soo Bin Jang University of Delaware USA
Soo hyang kang  Tokyo University, japan
Soo Hyun Byun McMaster University, Canada
Soojeong Lee University of Arizona
Soonyoung Lee Bard college US
Soo-Yeon Yoon   Sonoma State University
Spencer Lee-Lenfield Harvard University United States
Steven Denney Leiden University The Netherlands
Sujin Kim University of Kentucky, USA
Sungho Park University of Alabama, USA
Sungik Yang Arizona State University, USA
Sunki Hong Carnegie Mellon University USA
Susette Min  University of California, Davis
Taegyun Lim** Harvard University, USA
Todd A. Henry University of California-San Diego
Todoroki Hiroshi APU, Japan
Vicki Sung-yeon Kwon  University of Toronto, Canada
Vitnarae Kang** Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Woon-Hong Yeo   Georgia Tech
Yang-Seok Lee University of Warwick
Yegyu Han IE University
Yehzee Ryoo  University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yenn Lee  SOAS University of London, UK
Yerin Yoon   Boston College
Yeungjeom Lee The University of Texas at Dallas USA
Yong Hoon Kim West Chester University of Pennsylvania USA
Yoojin Lee-Williams  Houston Community College, TX
Yoojung Kim  University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Yooneun Lee  University of Dayton
Yoonkyung Lee University of Toronto, Canada
Young Jung  George Mason University
Youngmi Kim Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Yuan He University College London, UK
Yujin Lim University of Leeds, UK
Yuki Asahina  University of Manchester, UK
Yung Soo Kim University of Kentucky, USA
Yura Song Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Yuri Jang University of Southern California, USA

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