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ML+X Presenter Application — Fall 2022-23
The goal of the monthly ML+X event is to allow researchers across different domains to unite based on common machine learning (ML) methodologies. The event features a series of short talks and group discussions on real-world applications of machine learning. Anyone who is applying machine learning in their work is welcome to present — especially students. Please see this google doc to review the methods-related questions that each talk should address:
This event is hosted by the ML Community (
). The ML Community has a google group it uses to send reminders about its upcoming events. If you aren't already a member of the google group, you can use this link to join:!forum/ml-community-of-practice/join
If you have any questions, please send an email to Chris Endemann (
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
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Your answer
Your answer
Please select each of the below ML topics that are relevant to your presentation.
Time-Series Forecasting
Supervised Classification
Semi-Supervised ML
Clustering / Unsupervised Learning
Computer Vision / Image Analysis
Decision Trees
Natural Language Processing
Transformer Models
High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Ethical Issues of ML (e.g., Algorithmic Bias, Privacy Concerns, Black Box Models, etc.)
Ensemble Methods
Recurrent Neural Networks
Deep Learning
Reinforcement Learning
If you had to pick one overarching methods theme (e.g., deep learning, regression, computer vision, transformer models, etc.) to describe this project, which theme would you pick?
Your answer
Which day(s) are you currently available to present?
Presentations take place on Tuesdays from 12-1 PM. Aside from October's event (virtual only), all events will be hosted in a hybrid format (zoom and in-person) in the Orchard View room inside the Discovery Building. Presenters may present via Zoom or in-person — whichever they prefer.
Please be sure to select as many presentation dates as your schedule allows so that we can group together presentations that share a similar methods theme.
September 13 — Virtual & In-Person
October 4 — Virtual Only
November 1 — Virtual & In-Person
December 6 — Virtual & In-Person
Did you use any high-throughput computing tools (e.g. CHTC, AWS, Google Cloud) for this project?
Yes - CHTC
Yes - AWS
Yes - Google Cloud
Please list three software/ML tools that were vital to this project.
Your answer
Please provide a tentative title for your presentation.
Your answer
This event is hosted by the ML Community (
). The ML Community has a google group it uses to send reminders about its upcoming events. If you aren't already a member of the google group, you can use this link to join:!forum/ml-community-of-practice/join
I am already a member of the google group
I just joined via the link provided
I'm having difficulty joining — please add me using the email I provided in this form
Additional comments
Is there anything else you'd like the event organizers to know?
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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