The Future Leaders of Israel Academy Enrollment Form
If you have any questions that are not clear or addressed on this form, please call our Leadership team at 1-877-535-4667, then Press #1 to speak to Captain Ban Yawasap or text "FLI INFO" ‪TO (973) 433-6115‬!
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Email *
Name (Hebrew): *
Name (Government): We need this to cross reference, remember some Hebrew names are very common amongst Israel! *
Genetic Makeup: *
If you are a sister, what is your marital status? *
If you are a brother, what is your marital status? *
Phone Number: *
State you reside in: *
How did you hear about us? *
Do you seek to congregate and be a part of L.O.I.? *
Were you a part of another congregation before? If yes, specify the name and location of your former camp. If no, type in "N/A" in the space below. *
If you were a part of another congregation, did you leave on good terms? L.O.I. leadership requires documentation from your previous elders/bishop/captain etc., confirming your name and conduct during your affiliation with them, either via phone call or in person about this matter! Are you in agreement with this request? *
If you are seeking to join the L.O.I. Congregation, there are rules and regulations to follow that are compatible with the laws of The Most High found in the Torah. If your application is accepted, do you agree to comply? *
At Lions of Israel, we are all on one accord, under the same doctrine of Christ. If you have any difference in doctrine, it is expedient to reach out to any Captains or Sergeants of L.O.I. and examine the doctrine before proceeding with the application. Is this acceptable to you? *
In Lions Of Israel we DO NOT believe in the following: the Trinity, Salvation for all nations, Laws of God are done away with, consuming of unclean foods such as: pork, crab, shrimp, and lobsters; or immaculate conception
(There are many more not listed above, but are taught in our academy. See videos on our YouTube channel for more clarification. If there is a doctrine not listed, that LIONS OF ISRAEL teaches, and you DO NOT agree with, please specify with details. If you agree with what we stand for, type "I AGREE" below.
NOTE: The upcoming Academy begins n September 17, 2023. If you graduate from this academy, meet the requirements, and decide to join the camp, there will be an additional 6 months probation requirement which include but not limited to: showing up to camp every Sabbath at your location, wearing fringes, attending every class conducted by Priest Danyaahla, participating in conference calls on the Zoom app every Sunday. (If you cannot make the conference call, please reach out to any leadership in L.O.I.! 
A minimum donation of $10.00 per week is to be made to the treasury department. Read over this document carefully. If you agree, check the box below. *
Today's Date: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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