Questionnaire about our Sunday Morning Adult Bible Classes at Faith Lutheran Church
Please fill out this brief survey so we may better serve our Faith community with the Word of God. Thank you!
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During the past two years, have you taken part in a Sunday morning adult Bible class at Faith as a participant or leader? 
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If "No," why haven't you?
If "Yes," why have you?
How often do you attend a Sunday morning adult Bible class at Faith? 
With "5" being the highest level of satisfaction and "1" being the lowest level of satisfaction, how satisfied are you with the adult Bible classes offered on Sunday mornings at Faith?
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What do you like best about the Bible classes at Faith? (Please check up to FIVE responses only)
Which of the following categories/topics of Bible classes would you be interested in?
The teaching style I like best for a Bible class is...
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Is there a particular book of the Bible that you would like to see taught?
If all of the Sunday morning adult Bible classes were recorded, and I happened to miss a Sunday, how likely would you be to listen to or watch the class at a later time?
Do you know of a person at Faith that you would like to suggest as an adult Bible class leader?
What suggestions could you give to help us improve our Sunday morning adult Bible class ministry at Faith? (We value your input!) Thank you!
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