DAG Member Survey
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Do you prefer zoom or in person meetings for DAG events?
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Do you prefer morning (10:00 am) or evening (6:00 pm) DAG events?
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Are there any specific topics or presenters that you would particularly like to see in person? Please tell us!
Do you think some events are better online? Why or what kind?
What kind of topics would you like to see more of at DAG?
What kinds of topics would you like to see less of at DAG?
Is there anything in the press right now that you think we should be covering?
What kind of advocacy would you like to see DAG focus on in the future?
Is there a sector (sustainability, preservation, new development, etc) that you’d like to see better represented in DAG/ the DAG forum?
What were your favorite past DAG events? Why?
Has the DAG Reading List introduced you to anything new?
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What do you think are the greatest threats to equitable development in Philadelphia?
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