Summit Summer Camp 2024 Registration
In order to hold your spot, you must:
1. Make sure you have an account on our The Studio Director registration portal.
2. Fill out this form.
3. The full cost of camp will be charged when fully registered by the Summit staff (within 72 hours of submitting this form).

Weekly 5-Day Camps (Mon.-Fri.) 
Half Day (Ages 2-6 **must be fully potty trained**): $325
All Day (Ages 5-10): $450

Triple Threat Camps (Mon.-Fri.) 
Broadway Bound, Ages 6-12, $450
Mean Girls JR, Ages 10-18, $900
Shows are on the last Friday of camp and tickets are free to the audience!

5% discount if registered and paid by April 1st!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Child's Full Name *
Child's Age *
Has your child ever been to a camp experience before? *
Please list any known allergies: *
Which HALF DAY camp(s) are you registering for? Ages 2-6, 9:30am-12:30pm.
Which ALL DAY camp(s) are you registering for? Ages 5-10, 9:30am-3:30pm.
Which Triple Threat camp(s) are you registering for?
I understand that my registration is incomplete until I have also created an account and inputted payment information in the registration portal found on the Summit website. (If you already have an account, just make sure your payment info is up-to-date.) *
I understand that, by submitting this form, I agree to be charged in full for the selected camp(s) and that Summit summer experiences are non-refundable/non-transferable to other programs, but can be rescheduled to another 2024 summer experience, if space is available. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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