V-VET Class Enrollment - self directed course
Veteran Vocational Education & Training, Inc.

This form is to be completed to enroll in the Mastering Digital Photography Class:

The classes are FREE to our US VETs, Active Duty and their spouses. Due to the request of many of our Vets, we have migrated the course from a strictly "in person class" to an "online-self directed" class.  

Going forward, all classes will be a self directed photography course. We hope to have this class available this coming fall. Your enrollment will supply us the information to validate your eligibility and method to contact you about class information and updates.

Students will be able to progress through the course at there on pace - within reason. You will be given a generous period of time to complete each session.   

This is a very in-depth course that will require about 40 hours of of class time, plus 20-40 hrs. of exercises and practice taking photos. 

Please complete the below form to initiate your enrollment.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please enter your First and Last Name. *
What is your military status? *
Best phone# to reach *
Your email address? *
How did you learn of this class?
What current Photographic Equipment do you use?
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