2023 Final Camp Feedback Form
Please use this survey to provide some feedback to the Teaching and Learning Fellows.  We are always looking to refine our plan so that we put teachers in the best position to succeed this week and beyond.
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The norms of the week supported my ability to fully engage in learning.   *
no they were NOT effective
yes the norms helped me to fully engage
The Mass Reconstruction activity helped me to learn and grow as a teacher. *
not at all
yes it did!
I felt that we spent enough time working on the "student hat" portion of the work.  *
not enough time
yes - there was enough time on "student hat"
My group collaborated effectively. *
not at all
great collaboration
The "Teacher Hat" work was effective at helping me to consider how to bring this work back to my students. *
not at all
it was effective and I have a clear plan
I have specific documents prepared that I plan to use with students in the fall. *
(feel free to think broadly)
I have nothing.
I have multiple useful artifacts that I plan to use.
I felt that the time with "teacher hat" was sufficient. *
no - we needed more time (if it was TOO MUCH time for you, please comment below)
yes - we had enough time to get progress on planning
The Jupyter work provided me a chance to build my capacity with coding. *
No - I am still as confused by it as I was before.
Yes - I feel much more facile than I did at the start of the week.
What questions do you still have? *
Please share any warm feedback that you have not yet had a chance to report.
What changes/deltas would you suggest to improve the experience? *
Any other comments? *
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