Library Lock In: Escape Room Scheduling
We have had a huge level of interest in the Escape Room activity planned for Tuesday, July 18. In order to accommodate everyone, we will be holding a second session on the evening of Tuesday, July 25. We will also be splitting into different time slots so that none of the groups are too large. To help us with scheduling, please complete the following survey indicating your child's interest and availability. I will do my very best to group students with friends, so be sure to list those preferences where indicated on the survey.
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Student's Name
Is your student interested in participating in the Escape Room activity at the Library? (If your student is not interested, please select "No", skip to the end of the survey, and click "Submit.")
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Parent or Guardian's Name:
Grade (Fall 2023)
Please select all of the time slots that your student is available. 
Please list the names of anyone who your student would like to have in their group. (I am hoping to have groups of no more than 8.)
Your contact information (email prefered):
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