Vision Mobilisation Intro Course 2023
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Email *
Please provide us with all email addresses you may use: *
~ Having all possible email addresses you may use increases the possibility that you will have easy access to the google drives, where you can access course information, and course communications.
Full Name  *
Are you already connected to NGL in some way?
You can select all that apply ~ this helps us to know the reach of this course 
Where did you hear about this course?

~ knowing this supports us in knowing what avenues of outreach have born fruits and can support in future discernment about how to do outreach!
What inspires you to participate in this course? What are your hopes about what it will give you?

~ knowing this gives us feedback about why people are drawn to participating and how it is touching people
Are you planning to participate live or via recordings only?

~ this helps up to know how many people will be on the calls which supports with session planning
If you are planning to participate via recordings, do you want to join the watch party? - we plan to hold this at a time of day that is suitable for those living in the U.S.

**Note: even if you are unsure, select yes. Doing this will mean we add you to the google group and it gives you the option of attending or not.
Did you participate and any previous VM offerings?

~ this supports us to get a sense of the overall level of exposure in the wider community and thus gauge what future offerings may be supportive 
Clear selection
We are planning to suggest integration buddies; someone for you to connect with or at least the duration of the course to go over exercises with, etc. 

Are you interested to be paired up with someone (we will aim to pair you with someone close to your timezone)
What Timezone are you in (please write it in UTC, this is to support with pairing you up) - Please write N/A if you selected no to having a buddy *
Please give details about your engagement with the gift economy including: in which currency you contributed and the amount you gave, including if the amount you gave is zero. 

~ This is for a couple of reasons 
1) There are three different Paypal options for making contributions. Knowing the amount in one place supports us in tracking the overall contribution this course is making to NGL's sustainability as a whole 
2) In case there is any confusion about where a contribution has come from, having it logged here will support us in tracing it. 

If you have not yet engaged with this, please go back to the website to the section called "Our Approach To Giving And Receiving"
Is there anything else you wish to share with the team?
Thank You!
If you need to get in touch with us for any support you are needing with registration, you can reach out here:

* If you want to contribute financially and are confused about how, please return to the webpage and go to the bottom of the section called "Our Approach To Giving And Receiving & Contributing To Our Sustainability". 
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