Survey - Capacity to provide free legal services for separated families
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Name of your organization *
Your organization's address *
Geographic region(s) your organization is able to serve (e.g. counties, cities, entire state, etc.) *
Type of organization *
Are there client eligibility criteria for your services (e.g. financial, relief, residency, etc.)? *
Types of services you can offer (please check all that apply) *
Method of receiving referrals for services (e.g. email, phone number, web form, etc. -- please include ALL relevant contact information) *
Does your organization regularly work with pro bono attorneys? *
If yes, are there certain qualifications that you require of pro bono volunteers (e.g., particular experience, specific language skills, etc.)?
What resources would help you develop or expand pro bono capacity to serve this population?
Contact person for questions (please include name, phone number, and email address) *
Please share any other issues or concerns in the space below
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