SJSL Reschedule Request
This form is to be used after a game has been canceled by the league, or with the Games Commissioner's permission, to reschedule and make up the game at a later date.

Remember that it is a "request", and not a guarantee that the game will be rescheduled to that new date. Only the Games Commissioner can reschedule a game.

This form should ONLY be submitted after BOTH coaches have agreed to the new proposed game date, time and location.

ALL game reschedule requests must be submitted within two (2) weeks after an originally scheduled game date and time. The game does not have to be played within that 2 week period (unless required by the league), but the request must be made within that time frame. Games that are not timely rescheduled made be subject to forfeiture and fines.
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Email *
Your name: *
(Last, First)
Your club and team name: *
Do the head coaches for both teams agree to this request? *
(Failure to get both teams to agree will result in a forfeit for the submitting team.)
What is the GotSoccer game #? *
(Include the complete GotSoccer # from the game schedule)
Age U__? *
Flight #__? *
Reason that the original game needs to be rescheduled: *
If answer to previous question was "Other", explain here.
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