Thirsty Bee Meadery/BZ Honey Team Application
Currently seeking reliable, responsible, and outgoing adults to work at our meadery in the heart of Old Town Tomball, and at farmer's markets in the Houston area
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Please leave your name, phone number, and a valid email. *
Are you old enough to sell alcohol in the State of Texas? (18+) *
On a scale from 1 - 5, how comfortable are you talking to people?
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Do you have any previous experience in sales? If so, please describe:
Please select the following days/times you are available to work:   *
Are you available to work at Farmer's Markets in the Houston area (Tomball, Cypress, Katy, etc.) on Saturdays and Sundays?
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Describe your personality in 3 words: *
Describe your work style in 3 words: *
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