Prospective Student Form
Thank you for your interest in pursuing private music instruction with Hunt Lessons!

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability.  If there is any pertinent information the form does not cover, please address it in the section at the bottom of the page.   Please feel free to text or call (707-601-6946) or email ( with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
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Email *
Phone number *
Name *
Preferred method of communication *
Who is pursuing lessons? *
What is the student's age? *
Instrument *
Does the student have previous music experience (lessons, choirs, American Idol audition, etc.)?
If the student has had previous lessons, what lesson materials were used (Alfred Level 2, Bastien Performance 1a, YouTube tutorials, etc.)?
How often is music listened to?
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When are the student's preferred lesson times? *
Will a charter school be sponsoring the student's lessons? *
If yes, which school?
Are you willing to assist in connecting the charter school with the studio, if the studio is not currently on the vendor list?
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What, if any, challenges will the student face in pursuing lessons (fear in performing, shyness, missing left pointer finger, etc.)? *
How did you hear about the studio (gift certificate, Facebook, Yelp, Google, friend, etc.)? *
Is there anything you feel is necessary that the studio know before pursuing lessons? *
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