NANSNM Southwest Zone in Collaboration with Focusing on Young Nurses Initiative (FYNI) 
Presents a Leadership Symposium for Student Nurses; 


"In a world that is constantly evolving, the power of effective leadership cannot be underestimated.  Investing in Leadership Excellence is not just a concept, but a call to action for all of us. It's about nurturing great potentials, fostering growth, and empowering industrious individuals to lead with confidence, compassion, and conviction.
 This symposium is designed to explore the importance of investing in student nurses leadership skills, not only for the benefit of individuals, but for the collective advancement of our communities and Nursing societies. Join us as we delve into enlightening discussions, share insights, and learn from experts in the field. Together as students, we can shape the leaders of tomorrow in nursing profession and create a future that is bright, progressive, and filled with excellence." 
Email *
Name of participant *
Phone Number  *
Name of institution  *
Level *
What is your view about Leadership in Nursing?? *
Eligibility for the certificate of participation is to attend at least 2/3 of the sessions of this symposium. Are you ready to abide by that?? *
What are your expectations for this  symposium? *
Please join the WhatsApp Group Link after you submit response for further information and update concerning the symposium. 

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