Leave of Absence Request
Please complete this form for all absences from school except illness. You must ensure that supporting evidence is submitted with this form. This form will need to be returned to the school office 10 days prior to the absence, where practical. 

The Education Act 1996 
“Parents are to perform their legal duty by ensuring their children of compulsory school age who are registered at school attend regularly”.
Email *
Student's full name as it appears on the school register *
Student's Tutor Group *
Date that you would like the absence to begin *
Date that your student would return to school *
Number of school days your student would miss *
Reason for exceptional leave (Please provide full details. Any request without detail will not be taken into consideration).  *
Address whilst away from school *
Name of main contact and relationship to student whilst away:  
Contact Telephone Number
Confirm that you are the legal parent or guardian of the student. *
Your name *
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