Statement of commitment, from some medievalists at the University of Chicago
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We, the undersigned, are committed to the project of teaching and studying the Middle Ages critically in an age of ascendant white supremacism, as called for by Professor Dorothy Kim, the Medievalists of Color, and many others. We are also committed to making medieval studies a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable field.
Signed, (in alphabetical order)

Niall Atkinson, Associate Professor of Art History
Samuel Baudinette, PhD Student, Divinity School
Alexis Kellner Becker, Harper-Schmidt Fellow and Collegiate Assistant Professor of
        the Humanities
Persis Berlekamp, Associate Professor of Art History
Roland D. Black, PhD Student, History
Marian Bleeke, PhD Art History, 2001
Carly B. Boxer, PhD Student, Department of Art History
Jonathan Brent, MA, The Divinity School, 2014
Cosette Bruhns, PhD Candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Emanuelle Burton, UIC (University of Chicago alumna)
Mary Anne Case, Arnold I. Shure Professor of Law
Yousef Casewit, Assistant Professor of Qur'anic Studies, Divinity School
Hannah M Christensen, PhD Student, Department of English Language and Literature
Ryan Coyne, Associate Professor, Divinity School
Celeste Cruz-Carandang, Assistant Director, 3CT; MAPH '17
Daisy Delogu, Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Benjamin Diego, PhD Student, Department of Art History
Jack Dragu, PhD Student, Department of English Language and Literature
Luke Fidler, PhD Student, Department of Art History
Jonathan Beecher Field, PhD Alumnus, Department of English Language and Literature
Melissa Horn, PhD Student, Department of Art History
Claire Jenson, PhD Student, Department of Art History
Owen Joyce-Coughlan, PhD Student, Divinity School
Robert L. Kendrick, Professor, Music & RLL
Aden Kumler, Associate Professor, Department of Art History, Department of Romance
        Languages and Literatures
Mark Lambert, PhD Student, Divinity School
Sam Lasman, PhD Student, Department of Comparative Literature
Ana Lima, Senior Lecturer, Romance Languages and Literatures
Christina Llanes, Ph.D student, History of Christianity, Divinity School
Elena M. Lloyd-Sidle, Ph.D. Candidate, Divinity School
Meekyung MacMurdie, Graduate Student, Art History
Alexandra Marraccini, PhD Student, Department of Art History
Andres Millan, PhD Student, Department of English Language and Literature
Mark Miller, Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
W. J. T. Mitchell, Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor of English and Art History
Jo Nixon, PhD Student, Department of English Language and Literature
Julie Orlemanski, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Willemien Otten, Professor, Divinity School
Samantha Pellegrino, PhD Student, Divinity School
Lucy Pick, Senior Lecturer, The Divinity School
Nicholas Rogers, MA Student, MAPSS
Lawrence Rothfield, Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature, U of Chicago
Benjamin Saltzman, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Martin Schwarz, PhD Student, Art History
Justin Steinberg, Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures
Nancy Thebaut, PhD student, Department of Art History
Matthew Vanderpoel, PhD Student, Divinity School
Jacqueline Victor, PhD Student, Romance Languages and Literatures
Christian K. Wedemeyer, Divinity School
Beth Woodward, PhD Candidate, Department of Art History
A Ph.D. student, History
A Ph.D. student, History
A Ph.D. student, History
An alumnus, Department of Art History
An alumnus, Department of Art History
An alumna, Medieval Studies
An alumna, History
MAPH '13, medieval literature
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