Volunteer Hours Entry Form
Parent volunteers are the backbone of The Classical Academy program, and our parents’ leadership and talents are truly what make our school successful! Everything you participate in at CAV counts towards your volunteer hours. From helping in the classroom, chaperoning at camps, helping our Riptide Parent Alliance, donating-it all counts! Even when you participate in parent training like the Parent Institute or the Jumpstart conference, it counts towards your volunteer hours. Some people prefer to donate items or money for volunteer hours. Every $10 you spend counts as 1 volunteer hour. Logging your volunteer hours helps the school keep track of our parent involvement. Parent participation greatly benefits our students and school!

We want to emphasize that while volunteering is not mandatory, it is greatly appreciated. Your participation, whether big or small, makes a significant impact on the quality of our school’s environment and the breadth of experiences we can offer our students.

If you decide to volunteer, please let us know about your contributions. We are eager to acknowledge and celebrate your support, as it is the generosity of our parent community that helps make our school a wonderful place for our children to learn and grow.

Please fill out the form below completely to enter your volunteer hours for the 2024-2025 school year. Please create a separate entry for each activity or donation made. Thank you for your support!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Last Name *
Your First Name *
What are your volunteer hours for? *
If you could not find your activity in the list above please write it in here so that we may update the list.  Thank you so much!
My volunteer hours helped to support: *
Number of volunteer hours for the activity listed above: *
Thank you so much for volunteering and logging your hours to help make a difference at Classical Academy Vista!  
Please make sure you do separate entries for each time you volunteered/donated
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