Bounce Beyond Global Call for Self-Nominations
Bounce Beyond’s mission is to accelerate initiatives working to make regenerative, life-centered economies realizable at scale through examples of “next economies” communities. We call these Collaborating Next Economies Communities in Transformation (CoNECTs). Bounce Beyond is an action and learning community of CoNECTs and people with deep transformations experience.  

Core to Bounce Beyond is the development of an action and learning community including leading examples of these Next Economies initiatives. These include two different types of initiatives:

1. Next Economies that are place-based (focused on a particular geographical area of activity e.g. towns, cities, political jurisdictions, watersheds, bioregions) with a broad engagement in economic transformation across sectors;
2. Next Economies that are focused around particular issues/sectors (e.g. seafood, finance, tourism, education) with participants across a variety of places and digital platforms.

In order to accelerate regenerative, life-centered economies, we are launching this Global Call for Self-Nominations for Next Economy Initiatives (CoNECTs).  Respondents meeting CoNECT criteria will join a lively global community of action and learning. As resources are available, some respondents will also have the opportunity to join an already operating group of four “core” CoNECTs that are receiving development support and benefits of collective action and sharing.  

The self-nomination form to join the Bounce Beyond CoNECT community is available here, and shouldn’t take more than one hour to fill out. It can be submitted by any individual who is actively contributing to an initiative already operating as a CoNECT, or is making significant efforts towards becoming a Next Economy Initiative. It is a good idea to coordinate efforts so that only one nomination per CoNECT is submitted. Please share this Global Call for Nominations with any people and organizations that may be interested.

The first round of nominations will close on June 15th, 2021, but this call will remain open during 2021 for ongoing consideration. Early responses are encouraged in order to get the clearest possible picture of CoNECTs around the world as soon as possible.

Responses to this Global Call for Nominations will give Bounce Beyond vitally important information about Next Economy Initiatives: where are they located; with what focus areas; facing what critical needs; with what learning along the way and what key challenges ahead?

This process will allow Bounce Beyond to map CoNECTs across multiple dimensions; connect them together; and understand their needs and challenges. In turn, it will allow Bounce Beyond to serve and accelerate the emerging global community of CoNECTs more effectively.

More on Bounce Beyond here:
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What is the name of the Next Economy initiative (CoNECT) that you are nominating? *
What is the current size of the leadership team? What type of initiative is it? Informal, or with formal organizations involved? One main organization, or several? How is it organized to accomplish its work? *
To what extent do the different efforts form a coherent shared initiative? Has a mission, goal, or vision been identified clearly? How aligned is that vision with Bounce Beyond’s agenda? *
What type of Next Economy initiative are you nominating? *
For place-based Next Economy initiatives, please describe the geographical area of focus and the most important sectors or overall theme of activities in this area. For issue-based Next Economy initiatives, please describe the issue/sector area of focus and any secondary geographical focus if it exists. *
Please briefly describe how the initiative has developed and what it does. You might address when founded; key organizations involved; purpose or mission; current activities and key outcomes to date. What is the journey you are on allowing the actions you are taking to make the changes that you seek (theory of transformation); etc. *
What is working well, and why do you see that happening? What obstacles and challenges are you facing? What are you learning along the way? *
Can we explore some of the ways you are committed to bringing about the things you would like change (e.g. change in municipal budgeting process, more equitable health care access) - what we would call "Bouncing Beyond today’s approaches" (particularly including economic dimensions)? What are the system boundaries? What types of transformation in the system do you want to make? *
Does your initiative have a strategy of scaling deep (more diverse activities), up (larger impact), and/or across (to other geographies or issues)? Please discuss briefly.
Please select any of the following Bounce Beyond offerings that would have significant value for your initiative. Selected initiatives may be eligible to receive this support as resources are available. *
What other services / tools / resources would be particularly helpful?
In what ways do you hope Bounce Beyond mission could provide value to your own?  What concerns might you have about becoming engaged with Bounce Beyond? How could it amplify your own activities? Would your initiative value engagement a global effort like Beyond Beyond, or would it take away time and resources from your key activities? *
Is there anything else that you would like to add that can help us understand your Next Economies initiative? If you were trying to nurture a network of Next Economies, how would you do it? *
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