Elevate Podcast Guest Form
Thank you for your interest in appearing on the Elevate Podcast! If you'd like to submit a pitch to be a guest on the show, please read more about our criteria and complete the form below.

NOTE: We receive a high volume of guest pitches for the Elevate Podcast and are unable to respond to a large majority of them. Specifically, we almost never accept pitches from PR firms or Podcast Agencies that we have not worked with before. Ideally, we also prefer to hear from the guest directly.

An Ideal Guest for The Elevate Podcast Is:
-A guest who is at the absolute top of their field.
-A guest who has produced acclaimed work in their field, such as an NYT/WSJ bestseller, a top podcast, a well-regarded creative endeavor or a prominent company.
-A guest who can share actionable steps or an actionable framework our audience can use to improve in their professional or personal life--rather than just sharing their personal success story.
-A guest with valuable lessons directly pertinent to business or personal leadership.

Notable past guests include:
-Proven Top Performance and Practitioners, such as Derek Sivers, Ann Miura-Ko and Kim Scott
-Leading Researchers or Decorated Academic Leaders such as Cal Newport and Angela Duckworth
-Acclaimed, Impactful Thought-Leaders such as James Clear, Allen Gannett and Morra Aarons-Mele
-Successful Founders/CEOs such as Alex Lieberman, Philip Krim and Aaron Ain

We generally DO NOT interview coaches, personal finance experts, real estate professionals, sales-trainers on the Elevate Podcast.
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Your Name *
Contact Email *
Guest Name (If you are referring somebody else)
How have you distinguished yourself as a leader in your field? Please include both biographical information and an outline of any notable work you have produced. *
What are examples of other podcasts you have appeared on? (Please include links to the episode, if possible). *
What topic(s) are you interested in discussing on the Elevate Podcast? *
What are some actionable steps, or an actionable framework, that you can share on the episode to help our audience improve? *
A big focus of the Elevate Podcast is the four elements of capacity building - spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional.  Which of these are you most interested in focusing on, and why? *
Have you listened to the Elevate Podcast before? *
If you have listened, what is your favorite episode, and why?
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