IASP 33rd World Congress - Bursary Application
The IASP 33rd World Congress will take place in Vienna, Austria from 10-13 June 2025. If you wish to apply for a bursary in one of the following categories, please complete the application form below
  • Lower & Middle Income Country bursary (covers airfare, accommodation, congress registration, daily stipend, Maximum bursary value €2000
  • Student bursary (covers congress registration)
  • Lived and Living Experience of Suicide bursary (covers congress registration)
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Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Contact phone number (ensure you include your area code) *
Country of residence *
Pronouns *
Age Bracket *
What is your interest/involvement in suicide prevention? *
Please tell us in no more than 200 words, why you believe you should be awarded a bursary to attend the upcoming IASP World Congress  and what you expect to gain from the Congress. *
Which bursary category are you applying for? *
If you selected Lived/Living Experience bursary, please select all that applies to your Lived/Living Experience of suicide: 
I acknowledge that completion of this application form is the beginning of the bursary application process and that I may be contacted by the Congress Organising team for further information as they review the applications. *
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