Peachtree Publishing Company Inc. Read Aloud Permission Request Form
We at Peachtree Publishing want to do everything we can to help kids and parents, and educators and librarians, cope with the extraordinary situation we find ourselves in now while protecting the hard work of our authors and illustrators. Please fill out this form to ensure your request complies with our guidelines and you will automatically be granted permission for your non-commercial read aloud.

Please visit our resource page full of free downloadable lesson plans, teacher's guides, and activity sheets:

Thank you for everything you are doing to help kids and families during this difficult time.
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Please confirm you will only post your reading within a closed platform or group for your students/patrons. (Unlisted on YouTube is okay) *
Please confirm you will delete your video no later than June 30th, 2022. *
At the beginning of your video, state that you are reading "with permission from Peachtree Publishing." *
What is the title of the book you'll be reading? *
Who is the author and/or illustrator? *
What platform will you use to host your reading? *
By posting a reading, you are agreeing to abide by the above terms. *
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