Coach of the Year
This award is based on the overall contribution and success of the coach in a NSW, National or International Competition.  Other criteria includes the development of athletes that have been selected in elite squads or state teams and the development of coaches through mentoring and support.
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Name of Nominee *
Nominee's Address *
Nominee's Contact Number  1 *
Nominee's Contact Number 2
Details of Nominee *
Association/Club/Organisation that Nominee Belongs to.
Details of Nominee's History/Achievements *
Nominators Name *
Relation to Nominee / Position in Organisation *
Nominators Contact Number *
Nominators Email Address *
Disclaimer *
I give permission for Penrith Valley Sports Foundation, it's affiliated sponsors, Penrith City Council, Penrith City Gazette and other local media to use this information and any photography/Video material supplied, if successful, to be used on all their relevant Social Media Pages and Websites.
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