Quaker Afternoon Picnic Church
Event Timing: July 21 5:pm
Event Address: 89 Brattle St. Cambridge 02138
Contact:  585.201.8012 or stina.perry@gmail.com

At The Feast of Quaker Dinner church we share​ a meal and our journeys over local foods, singing, queries, conversation, and expectant waiting worship in the manner of Friends (a practice of collective listening for the Still Small Voice of the Divine). We work together to set the space with the goal of encouraging people to walk with one another and bring their questions and desires for conversation. The event is a welcoming Christian space: you don’t need to be a Quaker or a Christian to be there and everyone is welcome! During the meal we converse, at our tables, over a set of queries ​(focused question on which we can reflect), and then extend that conversation to the room as we share in a large group.  

This is a family-friendly event.  Kids are warmly invited!  Parents, you may want to know that there will be food for kids when they arrive. We’ll gather with song, and then we'll have interactive worship, followed by silent waiting and conversation at tables.

I am especially excited for this gathering as it is the beginning of a new season for what has previously felt like a series of events. I am eager to share with you the clarity that has emerged since our previous gathering; one that emphasizes community building. We'll consider  together some of the story of Pentecost and the ways that the Spirit leads people to come together -- and we will talk about ways we might be faithful community with each-other, at our small table-groups.  We'll share together some of the story of Pentecost and the ways that the Spirit leads people to come together -- and we will talk about ways we might be faithful community with each-other, at our small table-groups.
Please  RSVP HERE  - on this form! - for this gathering in Cambridge at the Sherrill Plaza on the Lesley Campus at 89 Brattle St, 02138. 5pm.

Please join us on Sunday July 21, 2019 at 5pm.
Contact:  585.2012.8012 or stina.perry@gmail.com

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