Centered in Community – Faculty Stories
Share the community connections you have established through your teaching, research and service to help elevate the awareness about community engagement across the OU community.

Community engagement is a collaboration with a community partner for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources. For more information about community engagement at OU, visit

Your work and response is greatly appreciated.
Email *
First and Last Name *
Preferred pronouns: *
School/College & Department
Connection focus:
Research includes activities that partner with the community, applying scholarly expertise, skills, experience, and resources to create advances in public good and scientific knowledge. Examples include generating a publication, professional report, invention, patent or any other type of output that provides demonstrated value to the community.

Teaching includes partnerships that enhance educational opportunities to the broader community. Examples include internships and experiential learning opportunities, as well as outreach to community partners and the general public on and off campus with public events, workshops and continuing education.

Service includes partnerships that assist with or provide resources to the community, which may, or may not, be related to an academic program. Examples include volunteering, conducting seminars to community groups, consulting for community agencies and serving as an expert for the media.

Location of community engagement (i.e., city, county, state, country)  *
Overview of engagement activities (Please share in 100 words or more.): *
Would you be open to being contacted for marketing purposes (photos, articles, videos, etc.)? *
Do you have any additional goals related to your engagement? If so, explain.
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