Testimonial/Review for PDX Concierge
Hello, thank you for taking the time to write a review/testimonial for our grocery delivery service!
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What's your name? *
How satisfied were you with the services we provided? *
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Do you have a written testimonial/review you would like to write for possible inclusion on our website? *
Are you comfortable if we publish your testimonial on our website or you would like it to be private? *
Is there anything we can improve on/ did wrong? *
If you have the time, we would also really appreciate a review on Google or Yelp, the links are down below this survey👇. You can use the same review you wrote for this form for Google and Yelp. If you don't have those accounts or don't have time, we appreciate this testimonial anyways and are grateful for your feedback 🤗. Please also scroll up👆 once you have finished the survey to see the conformation message.
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