Join Route 24's Navigators Circle
Dear America,

You must be exhausted. You've watched us repeat the same patterns, year after year, and still somehow miss the lesson. You've seen us choose to fight against rather than fight for. You've seen us mistreat the earnest and reward the hateful. You've seen us sacrifice science to honor faith. You've seen us treat our neighbors as enemies over friends. You've seen us prefer isolation over cooperation. 

You've seen all this, and still you've guided us to the ideas that bridge what is and what could be. You've seen all this, and still you believe in our capacity to do better.  

At a time when it would be easier to look away, we choose to look closer. We are the navigators - the artists, the scientists, the entrepreneurs, the humanitarians, the academics, the workers, the veterans, the public servants, the families, and so many more. We know the value of hard work. We've built businesses, led initiatives, united coalitions, advocated for others, and faced challenges head on. We believe that real change is driven by the people behind the wheel. We come together in action to honor the best of what you stand for. 

When policies alone may fail to change course, let our stories be your guide. 

Route 24's Navigators Circle

**If you share in this vision, we welcome you to join our circle. Pledge your support by signing this letter.**

I pledge my support for the Route 24 Navigators Circle mission.  *
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns *
Title/Role *
Company/Initiative *
City *
State *
Country *
I give Route 24 and its representatives the permission to include my name in promotions for this group and its efforts.   *
If you have comments or questions, please use this space to provide feedback.  *
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