The Saturday Tutoring Program
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Attendance Agreement
I understand that my student(s) should arrive by 9:45 a.m. in order for tutoring to begin by 10 a.m. If my student arrives after 9:45 a.m., I understand that they may be unable to receive services and be required to return the following week. I also understand that if my child is unable to attend that I need to inform the program within 24 hours using the contact information on the website. If I cannot inform within 24 hours, I will inform as soon as possible. Three consecutive unexcused absences warrants removal from our active roster. I understand that this will help the organizers continue to staff tutors in order to provide a valuable service to the community.
Attendance Agreement *
Name *
Grade *
Student's Name *
email *
Cell phone *
Media Release 
I, the parent or guardian of the minor child being registered above, hereby consent to The Saturday Tutoring Program using my child’s first name, likeness, image, portrait, picture, statements, and voice for any and all purposes. This includes advertising purposes, in any form or format, including, but not limited to photographs, video and/or audio recordings, electronic content, and digital images of my child. This consent also applies to news releases, educational and promotional materials, such as but not limited to brochures, posters, websites, social media applications, videos, radio interviews and other forms of electronic communications. 
Media Release *
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