Shakti in the Mountains Gift Certificate
Gift Certificates may be purchased online or in person and are good for 1 year. To secure a gift certificate online you will need to complete the form below and indicate if you want to pay using your credit card (via PayPal) or if you want to pay by mailing a check. Gift Certificates may be used to attend classes, workshops, or the Shakti Badge program. They may not be used for personal services such as massage or counseling. (If you want a massage gift certificate, then please contact Cleo Hankins directly. She would love to help you.) Please allow 2 business days, after payment is received, for processing.
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Email *
Your Name *
Who is this gift certificate for? *
Name as you would like listed on the gift certificate.
Dollar amount of the gift certificate? *
How would you like to pay for the gift certificate? *
How would you like it delivered? *
We would be happy to electronically deliver your gift certificate. However, if you would prefer, we will print and fill out the gift certificate and you can pick it up during Makerspace Hours.
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