Early Childhood Attendance Preschool Student
All preschool students are required to be present in attendance on
the first day of school.
Preschool students who fail to attend on their first
day of school will be dropped from the program unless a medical note
is presented.
Preschool students who are attending, but are absent 10 consecutive days
at any time during the school year shall be dropped from the program.
Preschool students with sporadic absences will be monitored for patterns
of excessiveness. If this should occur, school personnel (e.g. program social
worker, community aide) will contact the caregiver/guardian to determine
the reason(s) and offer assistance to prevent the absences.
Due to the high volume of students waiting for program placement,
spaces for students are not held. Students who have been dropped from
the program have to reapply and will be placed at schools based upon
availability at that time.
Elementary school (Grades PreK-8) instruction begins promptly at 8:30 AM
and dismissal time is 2:45 PM.
Students shall attend school daily and on
*Parent/guardians should notify the school the morning of an absence by telephone. If such notice is not received, school personnel will make every attempt to contact the parent/guardian on the day of the absence.