Ludgate Hub -TalentSpace
Thank you for choosing to register on the Ludgate Hub Skills Database TalentSpace - this database will create a compelling rationale for companies to relocate to West Cork.

We are endeavouring to establish a community of engaged talent with specific skill-sets seeking work in the West Cork area, or are willing to offer freelance services or mentoring from an international location. In addition we are also looking to showcase the rich talent pool in West Cork - so even if you are currently running your own business and not seeking employment, we would like to demonstrate the diverse talent pool already in the West Cork area to investors and businesses alike. We are using this database as a platform of information for companies that are currently looking to recruit within the area. We would be grateful for a minute of your time to undertake this survey so that we can compile the talent pool data within the West Cork region.

As the database grows it will strengthen our case to attract graduate level employment to West Cork in addition to providing those who live abroad or elsewhere in Ireland, with attractive prospects to relocate to West Cork in the future.

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