EOI for ALAC Member of the Fellowship Program Selection Committee
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Email *
First and last name *
Email address *
RALO region *
Your affiliation with At-Large *
What ICANN Policy groups do you participate in (e.g. CCWG, GNSO PDP and subgroups, ccNSO WGs)? Be clear on your level of participation (e-mail only, Teleconferences - listen only, Teleconferences - active participant). Provide details for each group in which you are active or have been active in the past, and over what period of time: *
Describe your involvement in ICANN's Fellowship Program. *
Why are you interested in taking on this responsibility? *
What background and other skills do you have which make you a good candidate for the Selection Committee? *
Do you have the time available to take on this responsibility? *
Is there anything else you believe should be considered during the selection process? (Optional)
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