Puppy Interest Application
Thank you for your interest in our puppies. Pitter Patter Pastures delights in raising socialized, healthy pups that will be a welcome addition to your home and family. Please answer a few questions so we can best understand what you are looking for in a new family member and match you with the best pup possible. 
Email *
What is your name? (first and last, please) *
What is the best phone number to reach you at? *
How did you hear about us?
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Why are you interested in a Bernedoodle? *
Have you researched the grooming involved in a doodle?  How do you plan to care for the grooming needs? 
Have you ever owned a poodle or a doodle before? Or do you currently have any poodles or doodles?  *
Do you have other dogs or cats in your house?  *
If you do have other dogs or cats in your house, please indicate what you have and any special temperaments that should be considered?
Do you have children or elderly living with you? *
How many children or elderly and their ages? Do any of them have special considerations that need to be considered when selecting a puppy? 
What traits are you looking for in your new family member? Check all that apply. *
If you are looking for service or therapy working dog, please give me a few tasks you would be needing the dog to perform (only so we can determine if we have a puppy that has the temperament best suited for your needs). 
If you were to adopt one of our puppies, would you be able to provide 3 references, one of which would be a vet reference (if you own other pets)?  *
Do you currently live in a residence that allows dogs?  *
Would you be willing to provide your rental agent's name and number if you currently rent?
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Are you looking for a female or male puppy?  *
Anything else you would like to share to help us best match you with your future family member? 
What is the best method of contact?  *
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