TEC Amateur Radio Club & Study Group  
Interested in getting your HAM operators' license and/or leveling up to Extra? Keep "meaning to" study for the test? 

We meet twice a month at the Advanced Cyber Systems Lab, located at Gateway Community College, for two-hour sessions. Most sessions will be used to study and prepare for the FCC's Amateur Radio Service Technician Class license exam.  Some sessions may be devoted to a speaker or experienced operator mentorship.

We'll be using HamStudy as our general guide. This will be fun, but its not purely social - the goal is to be ready to sit for the exam! 

Please note to become a license HAM operator you must: 

Amateur radio licensing is managed by the Federal Communications Commision (FCC). Being licensed means that your name is listed in the FCC Universal Licensing System with an associated ham radio callsign.

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Name (First name only is OK)  *
Please give us an email address that you actively use and check so we can send you the day/time of the class. We do not sell or share your information with anyone outside the organization; privacy is kinda a big thing for TEC. 

Which of the following days/times are you available? *
Will you require any accommodations for a disability or just because you work better under certain conditions? We do our best to accommodate as able but please understand there may be limitations. 
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Anything else we should know? 
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