Intake Form for Private Classes/Pods & Tutoring
Please complete this form in order for Spanish Conmigo NYC to serve you better. This will enable to get to you or your family better in order to maximize your Spanish learning experience.
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is the best phone number to reach you? *
What is your preferred form of communication? *
Are you interested in in-person or online classes? *
What is the best day and time window for your weekly class?  *
How many people are joining you for Spanish class? *
Please provide the address of where you would like your classes to take place if Spanish Conmigo NYC is coming to you. *
Is/are the student(s) a beginning Spanish learner(s)?
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Can the student(s) answer basic questions in Spanish?
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Has/Have the student(s) taken a Spanish class before? If so, for how long? If known, what was taught?
Tell us a bit about the student(s). *
Are there any learning disabilities of which your teacher should be aware? If so, please explain. *
Are there specific topics/vocabulary/activities that you would like the teacher to focus on in class? *
What would you like the focus of the classes to be? *
What are you hoping you gain by studying/learning Spanish? *
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