Evolve502 Family and Community Nights - Newburg Boys & Girls Club Registration Form 

Join Evolve502 and partners for a new event series aimed at bringing the community together and learning how to engage with local resources and child enrichment programs. Each event will be from 6 - 7:30p.m. at Newburg Boys & Girls Club. Each event will include a discussion with local groups sharing information about community resources, enrichment activities for kids while adults attend resource sessions, and free family dinner. 

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What Family and Community Night session are you registering for? *
What is your name? *
Do you have a student in the Newburg Boys & Girls Club after-school program? *
How many adults are you registering to attend this Family and Community Night event? *
How many children are you registering to attend this Family and Community Night event? *
What ages are your children? *
What schools do your children attend? *
How did you hear about this program? *
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