CiCT Summer Intensive Program Interest List Application
This Application is intended for Vanderbilt Grad Students and Postdocs who are interested in participating in the CiCT Summer Intensive Program. The Program is offered during May with two weeks for the Seminar, followed by two weeks for the Practicum. Certificates will be awarded upon completion of both the Seminar and Practicum portions of the program and the teaching observation consults. You must commit to all sessions to participate.

Please note that submission of this application does not guarantee a spot in the upcoming Summer cohort. Interest list applicants are considered on a first come first serve basis until all slots are full. If you do not get into the Summer Program, you can request to be maintained on the interest/wait list for the next full semester program, or the following summer cohort. Your position on the list will be maintained, in the order in which it is received.

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Last Name *
First Name *
VUNet ID *
This is usually a combination of letters from your last and first name.
Vanderbilt School *
Vanderbilt Department *
Vanderbilt Status *
Vanderbilt Email Address *
Use Only VU e-mail address
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