CLIMATE CHANGE SURVEY made by students from 3rd year IIC Rauch, Argentina 
This survey is to learn about the climate change problem and to think how we can change our habits to save our planet.
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Email *
How old are you? *
Write the country where you live. For example: Argentina  *
Do you leave the lights on in your rooms when you are not at home?

Do you buy unpacked/loose products?


Do you leave the chargers plugged when you don't use them?


Do you eliminate unnecessary data in your cell phone or tablet?


Do you take your cloth bags when you go shopping?


Do you close the tap when you don't need water? For example when you brush your teeth.


Do you use public transport, ride your bike or walk whenever you can?

Could you mention at least 3 ideas to stop the global warming?  *
Is there any law about the use of plastic bags or other materials that can pollute the environment in your city? *
Are there clean points in your city? The clean points are places where you can deposit clean glass, bottles, plastics or cans to facilitate their reuse, (in any case, it is reconditioned later)
Is there any fine system against waste generation in your city? 
Do you know any recycling plant in your city? Recycling plant means a facility in which recyclables, such as newspapers, magazines, books, other paper products, glass, metal and/or other products are recycled, reprocessed, and treated to return such products to a condition in which they may again be used in new products.
Mention some local actions against climate change. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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