SAA After School (WELL) Music Lessons Registration
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Email *
Registration and payment are processed through the WELL program, and fees will be charged to student accounts. Lesson fees are as follows:

30 Minutes:  $36 
20 Minutes:  $25 

Our specialists travel to our school especially for this program. In order to respect their time, no-show students will still be charged for the missed lesson. Please communicate directly with your child's instructor for all scheduling and attendance matters. You must cancel a lesson at least 24 hours ahead of time for it to be an excused absence and not be charged.
Name of Student *
Grade *
Instrument(s) *
Assigned Teacher* *
Preferred Lesson Day *
Preferred Lesson Length (see rates above) *
Preferred Lesson Start Time *
Parent Name (Primary Communicator) *
Parent Phone Number (This is our preferred method of communication) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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