Building Use Form
Liability for use of School Buildings and Facilities: All organizations are responsible for all damages to buildings and contents. The district is not responsible for any personal damages ensues by persons, organizations, or individuals while they use district buildings, facilities, grounds, or equipment. Any persons or organization using district buildings, facilities, or grounds may be required to provide a bond or liability insurance. The person who signs this form assumes responsibility for each individual participating in the above described activities. 
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Email *
Name of Person/Organization Requesting Use *
Contact Phone # *
Facility or Space Requested (May select more than one) *
Miscellaneous Requests (Tables, Chairs, Scoreboards, Classroom#, Etc.) *
Purpose for Use *
Janitorial Service Requested (Janitorial services are $50/hour, with a 2 hour minimum, or organizations may do their own janitorial service. Unsatisfactory janitorial service may result in billing for service.) *
Date of Building Use *
Time In and Out  *
Is Building Use Recurring? *
Recurring Use Dates and Times (If use is not recurring skip this section)
Will organization charge admission for event?  *
Consent: Sign name to assume responsibility. *
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